T.O. 33B-1-1
Documentation. Air Force.
Job qualification/proficiency shall be documented per command policy and filed in the individual's AF Form 623, On-
the-job Training Record Folder. Army.
MOS qualification shall be documented in accordance with Army Regulations.
Sealed Gamma Ray Sources.
Sealed sources used in radiography usually contain multi-curie quantities of gamma emitting radioactive material and
are extremely hazardous if not used properly. Therefore, each radiographer and radiographer's assistant must meet
minimum training and experience requirements. A thorough understanding of the hazards and proper procedures for
safe handling and use of radiography sources is a fundamental requirement for any individual who is to assume the
duties and responsibilities of a radiographer.
Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 34 (10 CFR 34) limits assignment of the duties of radiographer or
radiographer's assistant to individuals who meet the requirements for those positions set forth in paragraph 34.31.
Records of training, including copies of written tests dates of oral tests and field examinations, which are used to
qualify individuals to act as a radiographer or radiographer's assistant shall be maintained for a minimum period of
three years (by the licensee).
Specific training is mandated in 10 CFR 19 for personnel who are occupationally exposed to radiation. Additional
training requirements are mandated by 10 CFR 34.31 for radiographers. Licensees shall NOT permit any person to act
as a radiographer until such individual:
a. Is adequately trained in radiation safety. Each industrial radiographer will be encouraged to obtain
certification in radiation safety through the Certification Program for Industrial Radiography Radiation
Safety Personnel of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. prior to commencing duties
as radiographers (10 CFR 34.11(b)(5)). As a minimum, each radiographer must have been instructed
in the subjects outlined in Appendix A, 10 CFR 34 and shall have demonstrated understanding thereof.
b. Has received copies of and instructions specified in 1) NRC regulations contained in 10 CFR 34 and in
the applicable portions of 10 CFR 19 and 20, 2) NRC license(s) under which the radiographer will
perform radiography, and 3) the licensees operating and emergency procedures.
c. Has demonstrated competence to use the licensee's radiographic exposure devices, sealed sources,
related handling tools, and survey instruments.
d. Has demonstrated understanding of the instructions contained herein by successful completion of a
written test and a field examination on the subjects covered.
e. Has completed periodic training mandated by 10 CFR 34.11(b)(2) and (3) and 34.
Radiographers' assistants are individuals who, under the personal supervision of a radiographer, use radiographic
exposure devices, sealed sources or related handling tools, or radiation survey instruments in radiography (10 CFR
34.2). Within the Army, radiographer's assistants will generally be limited to personnel undergoing training through a
TRADOC approved course of instruction. In accordance with 10 CFR 34.11(b)(6), licensees shall NOT permit any
person to act as a radiographer's assistant until such individual: