T.O. 33B-1-1
a. Has received copies of and instructions in the licensee's operating and field emergency procedures, and
shall have demonstrated understanding thereof.
b. Has demonstrated competence to use, under the personal supervision of the radiographer, the
radiographic exposure devices, sealed sources, related handling tools and radiation survey instrument
which will be employed in his assignment.
c. Has demonstrated understanding of the instructions contained herein by successfully completing a
written or oral test and a field examination on the subjects covered.
d. Has demonstrated his understanding of and ability to comply with the operating and emergency
procedures by successful completion of appropriate test (s) and a field examination on the subjects
Each unit must maintain an internal training inspection program. In accordance with 10 CFR 34 this program must:
a. Include observation of the performance of each radiographer and radiographer's assistant during an
actual radiographic operation at intervals not to exceed three months.
b. Provide that, if a radiographer or a radiographer's assistant has not participated in a radiographic
operation for more than three months since the last training inspection, that individual's performance
must be observed and recorded the next time the individual participates in a radiographic operation.
c. Retaining for three years the training inspection records of the performance of radiographers and
radiographers assistants (for inspection by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission).
Possession and Use of Gamma Ray Sources.
Air Force.
a. Air Force activities SHALL NOT obtain, possess, or use radioactive material sources until they have
received a USAF Radioactive Material Permit in accordance with AFI 40-201, Managing Radioactive
Materials in the USAF. Application should be made through the base RSO channels to HQ AFMOA/
SGOR, Brooks AFB, TX 78235-5217.
b. Approval by the Base Radiation Safety Officer is required for contractor personnel to use radioactive
materials on any Air Force installation. The base Radiation Safety Officer SHALL be consulted for
current procedures for obtaining that approval. Additionally, in cases where contractor requests
assistance in performing gamma radiation inspections under his license, the NDI lab chief, or assistant
in his/her absence, SHALL contact the base Radiation Safety Officer to insure proper authorization has
been granted and proper procedures are followed.
a. Army activities shall NOT procure or use gamma sources (by-product material) until formally licensed
to do so by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Application for NRC licenses is made by
the Radiation Safety Officer in accordance with AR 385-11 through Command channels.
b. In cases where a contractor requests approval to perform X-ray inspections or gamma radiography
(under the contractor's NRC or agreement state license) on federal property, the local RSO will verify
the validity of applicable licenses and initiate action pursuant to AR 385-11 and 32 CFR 655.10 to
obtain and/or issue a DA Radiation Permit. (RSOs should assure also that reciprocity notification has
been provided to the applicable NRC Regional Office if the contractor is an agreement state licensee.)