T.O. 33B-1-1
b. Assist with setting up personnel barriers.
c. Prevent unauthorized personnel from entering a radiation area.
d. Wear a TLD or film badge only if specified by the Radiation Safety Officer.
Radiation Protection Surveys.
As used in this section, radiation protection survey means an evaluation of potential radiation hazards associated with
the use of industrial X-ray and gamma-ray equipment under specified conditions when used in shielded and/or
unshielded for Air Force installations, or protective, enclosed and/or unshielded location for the Army. When
appropriate, such evaluation includes inspection of equipment, examination of its location with reference to controlled
and uncontrolled areas in the immediate environment, and measurements of exposure levels.
Shielded Installations.
A radiation protection survey of all new shielded X-ray installations, or new equipment in existing installations, shall
be made by a fully qualified health physicist, Bioenvironmental Engineer, Nuclear Medicine Science Officer or
qualified radiological health technician before the installation is placed into routine operation. The installation SHALL
be inspected to verify adequacy of shielding, radiation protective devices and operational procedures.
Consultant services of qualified health physicists can be obtained through command channels: Air Force from those
organizations listed in paragraph; Army -- from MAJCOM Headquarters or from those organizations listed in
paragraph All such requests must contain the following radiological design criteria of the facility to be
a. Projected workload in milliampere minutes (mA-min) per week.
b. Maximum X-ray tube potential (kVp).
c. Minimal distance from tube head to exterior wall(s), ceilings and floors.
d. Type of facility (shielded or unshielded).
e. The use factors for each wall, floor and ceiling as appropriate. This is the fraction of the workload
during which the useful beam is pointed in the direction under consideration.
f. A diagram, showing the functions of all adjacent areas to the x-ray operation location.
An assessment of shielded installations shall be made by or under the direction of the local Radiation Safety Officer
annually or before changes are made in shielding, operation, workload, equipment ratings or occupancy of adjacent
areas when these changes, in the opinion of the RSO, can adversely affect radiation protection. If supplementary
shielding is installed as a result of the radiation protection survey or re-evaluation, another survey shall be made to
confirm the adequacy of the shielding after the modification.
When surveying shielded installations, the radiation exposure measurements SHALL be made in all adjacent areas
accessible to personnel. The measurements SHALL be made under facility design conditions of operation that will
result in the greatest exposure at the point of interest. X-ray apparatus shall be operated at the maximum kilovoltage
specified in the design criteria for the facility and at its maximum milliamperage for continuous operation at that
voltage. High energy equipment (such as linear accelerators, betatrons, etc.) should be operated at maximum
(roentgen) output.