T.O. 33B-1-1
c. Develop emergency procedures and assure that all actual or alleged overexposures to ionizing radiation
are investigated and reported in accordance with AR 385-40 and 10 CFR 20.
d. Calculate the collective exposure to ionizing radiation of all persons for which a DD Form 1141 (or
equivalent) is maintained and report quarterly to the radiation control committee and commander, as
applicable, on the collective, average, and highest exposure.
e. Instruct personnel in safe working practices, emergency procedures, harmful effects of radiation
overexposures, and other topics as mandated by 10 CFR 19 and 29 CFR 1910. Records of these
instructions will be maintained by the RSO and will include a brief outline of the instructions and a list
of persons who received these instructions.
f. Establish and maintain a personnel dosimetry program in accordance with AR 40-14 to include
obtaining personnel exposure histories and providing personnel with reports of radiation exposures as
g. Assign administrative radiation doses.
h. Manage DA Radiation Permit program (AR 385-11; 32 CFR 655).
Radiography Supervisor.
This individual shall supervise overall industrial radiography operations and assure compliance with all aspects of the
radiation protection program. He shall:
a. Control and maintain all industrial radiographic equipment to include assuring that the X-ray tube
head, cables, and consoles and gamma radiography shielding and shutters (and the associated safety
equipment for each) are checked for obvious defects prior to the first use at the beginning of each shift.
b. Develop and maintain current radiological safety operating and emergency procedures approved by the
Radiation Safety Officer and Commander. Safety procedures will specifically address checklists for
periodic inspection and reliability testing of safety systems to include interlocks, audible and visual
warning devices, use of radiation monitoring equipment and "daily pre-operational, operational and
post-operational checks or surveys to ensure proper radiation safety" (paragraph 9-9, AR 40-5).
Emergency procedures must include but are not limited to the following:
Individuals to contact in the event overexposure. Include name, office symbol, telephone number
(duty and nonduty hours), duty title.
Notifications required by 10 CFR and/or AR 385-40 and accident incident forma to be completed
pursuant to AR 385-40, as supplemented.
Where to take the individual for treatment.
How to approximate the degree of exposure.
What to do with dosimetry devices.
A copy of the radiation safety operating and emergency procedures must be maintained with
radiation producing equipment during all radiographic operations. These procedures must
assure that required warning signs and notices are properly posted and that warning signals
(beacon lights and audible alarms) and safety switches are functioning properly (paragraph 9-
9a(2)(d), AR 40-5).