T.O. 33B-1-1
i. Assure that health and safety instrumentation is calibrated in accordance with AR 750-43, TB 43-180,
TB 750-25 and TB 9-6665-285, and 10 CFR. (X-ray survey instruments are only calibrated by US
Army TMDE Activity, ATTN: AMXTM-SR, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5400, DSN: 746-7666)
(Paragraph 9-8, AR 40-5).
j. Perform, and document in writing, an annual quality assurance audit/self-assessment of the
organization's Radiation Protection Program. (Quality audit checklist is available upon request from
Commander, ATCOM, ATTN: AMSAT-R-X, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.)
k. Designate in writing, a qualified radiographer, generally the OIC or NCOIC, to serve as "Radiography
Supervisor" supervising overall industrial radiography operations and assuring compliance with all
aspects of the radiation protection program.
l. Assure that radiography operations are not conducted on non-Army property without verification that
such operation is properly licensed by and in full compliance with applicable state and local regulations
and laws.
m. Consultant services of qualified individuals are available from the respective MAJCOM Headquarters
and from the following to assist with the Radiation Protection Program:
US Army Aviation and Troop Command
4300 Goodfellow Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798
Commercial (314) 263-2196; DSN 693-2196
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010
Commercial (910) 671 3502; DSN 584-3502
Radiation Control Committee (RCC).
The Radiation Control Committee shall perform functions outlined in AR 40-5, AR 40-14, AR 385-11, and any
applicable NRC license.
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
The Radiation Safety Officer shall establish and manage the radiation protection program. Specific duties of the RSO,
as defined in AR 405, AR 40-14 and AR 385-11, include (but are not limited to):
a. Provide advice and assistance to the Commander in formulating policies, programs and procedures
pertaining to radiation protection that complies with applicable regulations and directives. Advise the
Commander in writing of any unsafe practices, defects, or noncompliances under 10 CFR 21.
b. Evaluate and document hazards. "Radiation protection surveys will be performed periodically by the
RSO to determine the exposure or exposure rate in the environment during operation of the equipment"
as necessary to evaluate and control the potential radiation hazard. This evaluation includes physical
measurements or calculations of radiation levels present a prediction of potential hazards resulting from
changes in materials or operations and proposed corrective actions. (Surveys must be accomplished by
a health physicist or Nuclear Medicine Science Officer before placing equipment in routine operation
for all new or modified industrial radiographic operations.) Consistent with NRC quality audit criteria,
surveys shall be accomplished at least annually by the local RSO in conjunction with audit of the local
radiation safety program. Care must be taken to assure that radiation levels are adequately controlled in
areas such as roofs, and in rooms and outdoor areas adjacent to the X-ray operations.