T.O. 33B-1-1
Emergency procedures
Case histories of radiography accidents
Applicable military service
Air Force.
Qualifications may be through the USAF Nondestructive Inspection Course conducted by the Air Education
and Training Command at NAS Pensacola, FL, or through equivalent training courses conducted by industry
or civilian institutions. For this training to be, considered equivalent to that provided by the Air Training
Command NDI Course, approval by the Air Force NDI Office (AFRL/MLS-OL, 4750 Staff Dr., Tinker AFB,
OK 73145-3317; DSN 339-4931) is required. The use of any radiation producing equipment is prohibited
until written approval of equivalency is received by requester.
Qualifications may be through the USAF Nondestructive Inspection Course conducted by the Air Education
and Training Command at NAS Pensacola, FL, the U.S. Navy Radiographic Operator Course (A-701-0032) or
through equivalent training courses conducted by industry or civilian institutions. To be considered
equivalent to training mandated for American Society of Nondestructive Testing for the Industrial Radiogra-
phy Radiation Safety Personnel (IRRSP) Certification Program, the initial training shall include 40 hours of
training in radiation safety topics which includes those topics listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 34.
Equivalency must be reviewed and approved by TRADOC or the Army NDI Program Manager (Weapon
System Manager for Aviation Ground Support Equipment) ATTN: AMSAT-I-WAG, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd.,
St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. The use of any radiation producing equipment is prohibited until written
approval of equivalency is received by requester.
Retraining (Army).
Each radiographer must also receive retraining each time there is a change in equipment, operating
procedures or regulations and annual retraining. Annual retraining of at least eight hours duration (FR Vol.
56, No. 53, page 11505) shall be conducted or arranged by the RSO or his designated representative and
documented. This training must include the following:
Topics specified in 10 CFR 19.12 (including proper storage, transfer and use of radiation sources;
public health problems associated with use of the radiation sources; precautions or procedures to
minimize radiation exposure and the purposes and functions of protective devices employed; the
responsibility to promptly report any condition which may lead to unnecessary radiation exposure;
actions to take in the event of malfunction of protective devices or other emergency conditions; and
exposure reports which workers may request).
Deficiencies identified during periodic quality audits of the radiation protection program and unit
training inspections.
Review of accidents and unusual events.
Review of dosimetry results (emphasizing dose reduction and ALARA).
Review of basic radiation safety principles, operations, emergency procedures, new safety regulations,
license requirements and other pertinent information.
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