T.O. 33B-1-1
Report of Radiation Protection Survey.
No existing installation shall be assumed to conform to the provisions of this publication unless a valid
radiation protection survey has been made by a qualified expert and a report has been placed on file at the
Distribution and Retention.
The written survey report of new or modified fixed radiography facilities shall be forwarded by the individual
conducting the survey through command channels to the owning organization with an information copy to the
Commander, ATCOM, ATTN: AMSAT-R-X, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 631201798. A statement
of corrective action(s) taken by the owning organization, if required, should be submitted to the MAJCOM
Safety Office with information copy to Commander, ATCOM, ATTN: AMSAT-R-X, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63120-1798. Survey reports shall include recommendations for any corrective measures and
should indicate if a further survey is necessary after corrections have been made.
Survey reports for fixed radiography facilities shall be retained by the Radiation Safety Officer and the
organization performing industrial radiography (together with a record of corrective actions taken to address
deficiencies) until such reports are superseded or radiography operations are permanently discontinued. All
records of surveys performed (including those performed by radiographers and RSOs) shall be maintained for
a minimum period of three years (10 CFR 34. 32(b)).
Air Force.
The written survey report (with attachments) SHALL be forwarded by the individual conducting the survey
to the organization surveyed with an information copy to the Air Force NDI Office, AFRL/MLS-OL, 4750
Staff Dr., Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3317; DSN 339-4931. Should the survey be performed by an organization
other than the AL/OEBZ, 2402 E. Drive, Brooks AFB TX 78235-5114, a copy of the survey report shall be
submitted to them for review. A statement of corrective action(s) taken, if required, should be submitted by
the NDI function to the organization that performed the survey with information copies to the MAJCOM,
Base Bioenvironmental Engineer(s) and AL/OEBZ. The report shall include recommendations for any
corrective measures and should indicate if a further survey is necessary after corrections have been made.
Reports of all radiation protection surveys shall be retained by the local Bioenvironmental Engineering
Services and the NDI function together with a record of the actions taken with respect to the recommenda-
tions the survey contains.
Identification of the radiation source(s), and location of each by suitable means, e.g., serial number,
room number, or building number or name.
The radiation output of the radiographic device (The radiation output of the device will be the level
specified by the manufacturer or obtained from remote survey readings. Unnecessary radiation
exposure will not be incurred to obtain such information.):
X-ray source -- in roentgens per minute (R/min) at one meter at maximum kVp and mA (under
shielding conditions indicative of normal operation). The potential and current at which the X-
ray tube was operated during the test will be specified if less than the system operating limits.
Gamma-ray source -- in roentgens per hour (R/hr) at one meter or specific activity remaining
(curies or Becquerel) and calibration date.
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