AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
ounces) for liquids or 100 g (3.5 ounces) for solids may be placed in a plastic carrying case. Each glass receptacle
must be surrounded by absorbent cushioning material and must also be separated from each other by sponge rubber
partitions. The plastic carrying case must be placed in a tightly fitted fiberboard box and then placed in a tight
fitting wooden box (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F).
A6.19. Hexaethyl Tetraphosphate and Compressed Gas Mixtures; Insecticide Gases, Toxic, NOS; Parathion
and Compressed Gas Mixture; Tetraethyl Dithiopyrophosphate and Gases, in Solution or Tetraethyl
Dithiopyrophosphate and Gases, Mixtures (LC50 Less Than or Equal to 200 Parts Per Million (ppm)); Tetraethyl
Dithiopyrophosphate and Gases, in Solution or Tetraethyl Dithiopyrophosphate and Gases, Mixtures (LC50 over
200 but not Greater Than 5000 ppm); Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate and Compressed Gas Mixture (LC50 Less Than or
Equal to 200 ppm); Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate and Compressed Gas Mixture (LC50 Over 200 but not greater than
5000 ppm). See 2.9 for additional requirements.
A6.19.1. Handling Instructions. These materials and mixtures are extremely dangerous poisons. Wear approved
chemical safety mask and clothing when handling this material.
A6.19.2. Packaging Requirements. Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, parathion, tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate, and
tetraethyl pyrophosphate may be mixed with a nonflammable compressed gas. This mixture must not contain more
than 20 percent by weight of an organic phosphate and must be packaged in DOT specification 3A240, 3AA240,
3B240, 4A240, 4B240, 4BA240, or 4BW240 cylinders meeting the following requirements:
Each cylinder must not be charged with more than 5 kg (11.0 pounds) of the mixture. The maximum filling
density of the cylinder must not exceed 80 percent of its water capacity.
Each cylinder must be charged in compliance with A3.2.2.5.
No cylinder may be equipped with an eduction tube or a fusible plug.
No cylinder may be equipped with any valve unless the valve is a type approved by the DOT.
A6.19.2.1. Cylinders must be overpacked in a fiberboard box (4G) and packaged in a way to protect each valve or
other closing device from damage. Except as provided in A6.18.2.2, no more than four cylinders may be packed in
a box. Each box with its closing device protection must be sufficiently strong to protect all parts of each inside
cylinder from deformation or breakage if the completed package is dropped 1.8 m (5.9 feet) onto solid concrete
impacting at the packages weakest point.
A6.19.2.2. Cylinders may be packed in a strong wooden box (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) and packed in a way to protect
each valve or other closing device from damage. No more than twelve cylinders may be packed in one outer
wooden box. Each wooden box with its closing device protection must be sufficiently strong to protect all parts of
each inside cylinder from deformation or breakage if the completed package is dropped 1.8 m (5.9 feet) onto solid
concrete impacting at the packages weakest point.
HA6.20. Packaging for Class 2.3 Materials, Poisonous by Inhalation (Hazard Zone A).
A6.20.1. Handling Instructions. These items are extremely dangerous. Wear approved chemical safety mask and
clothing when handling this material.
A6.20.2. Packaging Requirements. Package Class 2.3, PG I materials with an Inhalation Hazard Zone A as
A6.20.2.1. In DOT cylinders as identified in 49 CFR, part 178, subpart C, except that specification 8, 8AL, and 39
cylinders are not authorized. Cylinders must also meet the requirements of A3.3.2.
A6.20.2.2. Pack in an inner drum (1A1, 1B1, 1H1, 1N1, or 6HA1), then place in an outer drum (1A2 or 1H2). Both
the inner and outer drum must be tested to the PG I performance level. The outer 1A2 drum must have a minimum
thickness of 1.35 mm (0.053 inches). The outer 1H2 drum must have a minimum thickness of 6.30 mm (0.248
inches). The outer 1A2 and 1H2 drums must withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 100 kPa (15 psi). The capacity
of the inner drum must not exceed 220 L (58 gallons). The inner drum must also meet the following requirements:
Satisfactorily withstand a hydrostatic pressure test (as outlined in 49 CFR, paragraph 178.605) of 550 kPa
(80 psig).
Satisfactorily withstand a leak-proofness test (as outlined in 49 CFR, paragraph 178.604) using an internal
air pressure at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) of at least twice the vapor pressure of the material to be
Have screw-type closures that are:
Closed and tightened to a torque as prescribed by the closure manufacturer, using a device that is
capable of measuring torque.