AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A6.16.2. Packaging Requirements. Package in DOT specification 3A1800, 3AA1800, 3AL1800, 3D, 3E1800,
and 33 cylinders. Specification 3A, 3AA, 3AL, 3D, and 33 cylinders may not exceed 57 kg (125 pounds) water
capacity (nominal). Shipments of "Arsine" or "Phosphine" will not be accepted for transportation if packaged in a
specification 3AL cylinder. Cylinders containing "phosgene" may not exceed a filling density of 125 percent (see
A3.3.2.5). The cylinder may not contain more than 68 kg (150 pounds) of phosgene. Also, each filled cylinder
must be tested for leakage before it is offered for transportation and must show absolutely no leakage. This test
must consist of immersing the cylinder and valve, without the protection cap attached, in a bath of water at a
temperature of approximately 66 degrees C (150 degrees F) for at least 30 minutes. During which time, frequent
examinations must be made to identify any escape of gas. After the test has been accomplished the valve of the
cylinder must not be loosened before the cylinder is offered for transportation, and must not be loosened during
A6.17. Bromoacetone; Methyl Bromide; Chloropicrin and Methyl Bromide, or Methyl Chloride Mixtures;
Insecticide Gases, Toxic, NOS. See 2.9 for additional requirements.
A6.17.1. Handling Instructions. These materials and mixtures are extremely dangerous poisons. Wear approved
chemical safety mask and clothing when handling this material.
A6.17.2. Packaging Requirements:
A6.17.2.1. Pack bromoacetone in ordinary wood (4C1), ordinary wood, with sift-proof walls (4C2), plywood (4D),
or reconstituted wood (4F), boxes with inner glass receptacles or tubes in hermetically sealed metal receptacles in
corrugated fiberboard cartons. Bottles may not contain over 500 g (17.6 ounces) of liquid each and must be
cushioned in cans with at least 12.7 mm (.5 inches) of absorbent cushioning material. The total amount of liquid in
the outer box must not exceed 11 kg (24 pounds). Packagings must conform to the PG I performance level.
A6.17.2.2. Pack bromoacetone, methyl bromide, chloropicrin and methyl bromide mixtures, chloropicrin and
methyl chloride mixtures, and chloropicrin mixtures charged with a nonflammable, nonliquefied compressed gas in
DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3C, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4C cylinders having not over 113 kg (250 pounds)
water capacity (nominal). However, this capacity does not apply to shipments of methyl bromide.
A6.17.2.3. Package methyl bromide mixtures containing up to 2 percent chloropicrin in a fiberboard (4G) box with
inside metal cans containing not over 0.454 kg (1 pound) each, or inside metal cans with a minimum wall thickness
of 0.178 mm (0.007 inch) containing not over 0.7945 kg (1 3/4 pounds) each. The 0.454 kg (1 pound) can must be
capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 896.6 kPa (130 psig) without leakage or permanent distortion. Vapor
pressure of the contents must not exceed 896.6 kPa (130 psig) at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F). The 0.7945 kg (1
3/4 pound) can must be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 965.6 kPa (140 psig) without leakage or
permanent distortion. Vapor pressure of the contents must not exceed 965.6 kPa (140 psig) at 55 degrees C (130
degrees F). Cans must not be liquid full at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F). Cans must be constructed of tinplate or
lined with suitable material and must have concave or pressure ends.
A6.18. Gas Identification Sets. Gas identification sets containing toxic material must meet the requirements of the
PG I performance level.
A6.18.1. Pack in hermetically sealed glass inner receptacles not over 40 ml (1.4 fluid ounces). Each glass inner
receptacle must be placed in a sealed fiberboard receptacle cushioned with absorbent material. Not more than 12
fiberboard receptacles may be placed in a 4G fiberboard box. No more than four fiberboard boxes, well-cushioned,
may be placed in a steel cylinder. The cylinder must have a wall thickness of at least 3.7 mm (0.146 inches) and
must have a hermetically sealed steel closure.
A6.18.2. When the toxic material is absorbed in a medium such as activated charcoal or silical gel, pack gas
identification sets as follows:
A6.18.2.1. If the liquid toxic material does not exceed 5 ml (0.2 fluid ounces) or the solid toxic material does not
exceed 5 g (0.2 ounces), they may be packed in glass inner receptacles of not over 120 ml (4.1 fluid ounces) each.
Each glass receptacle, cushioned with absorbent material, must be packed in a hermetically sealed metal can. The
metal can must have a wall thickness of not less than 0.30 mm (0.012 inch). Then the metal cans must be packed in
wooden boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) surrounded on all sides by at least 25 mm (1 inch) of dry sawdust. Not more
than 100 ml (3.4 fluid ounces) or 100 g (3.5 ounces) of toxic materials may be packed in one outer wooden box.
A6.18.2.2. If the liquid toxic material does not exceed 5 ml (0.2 fluid ounces) or the solid toxic material does not
exceed 20 g (0.7 ounces), they may be packed in glass inner receptacles with screw-top closures of not less than 60
ml (2 ounces) that are hermetically sealed. Twelve bottles containing toxic material not exceeding 100 ml (3.4