AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A6.13.1. Wooden boxes (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F) with glass, earthenware, or metal inner receptacles not over 500 g
(17.6 ounces) capacity each.
A6.13.2. Metal drums, (1A1), not over 100 L (26 gallon) capacity each.
A6.13.3. Fiberboard box (4G) with inside glass, earthenware, or metal inner receptacles not over 500 g (17.6
ounces) capacity each. Gross weight must not exceed 30 kg (66 pounds).
A6.13.4. Any DOT specification cylinder prescribed for any compressed gas except acetylene.
A6.14. Ethylene Oxide. Silver mercury, or any of its alloys, or copper must not be used in any part of a packaging,
valve, or other packaging appurtenance if that part, during normal conditions of transportation, may come in contact
with ethylene oxide liquid or vapor. Copper alloys may be used only where gas mixtures do not contain free
acetylene at any concentration that will form copper acetylene. All packaging and gaskets must be constructed of
materials which are compatible with ethylene oxide and do not lower the auto-ignition temperature of ethylene
oxide. Each completed package must meet PG I performance requirements. Package ethylene oxide as follows:
A6.14.1. In inner glass ampoules or vials and placed in a fiberboard (4G) box. The total quantity of ethylene oxide
must not exceed 100 g (3.5 ounces) per package.
A6.14.2. In inner aluminum receptacles and placed in a fiberboard (4G) box constructed with top and bottom pads
and perimeter liner. The inner aluminum receptacles must not contain more than 135 g (4.8 ounces.) The inner
aluminum receptacles must be cushioned with an incombustible material. No more than 12 inner receptacles may be
packed in one fiberboard (4G) box, and no more than 10 fiberboard (4G) boxes may be overpacked.
A6.14.3. In inner metal receptacles and placed in a wooden (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F), or fiberboard (4G) box. The
capacity of the inner metal receptacles must not exceed 340 g (12 ounces). The metal receptacles must be capable of
withstanding a 1124 kPa (180 psig) burst pressure. Each inner metal receptacle must be insulated and equipped with
a relief device of the fusible plug type with a yield temperature of 69 to 77 degrees C (156 to 171 degrees F). The
capacity of relief device and insulation must be such that the charged receptacle will not explode when tested by the
method described in Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet C-14 or other equivalent method. No more than 12
receptacles may be packed in one outer box. Each receptacle must not be liquid full below 82 degrees C (180
degrees F).
A6.14.4. In 1A1 steel drums of no more than 231 L (61 gallons). The drum must be lagged, of all welded
construction with the inner shell having a minimum thickness of 1.7 mm (0.068 inches) and the outer shell must
have a minimum thickness of 2.4 mm (0.095 inches). Drums must be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test
pressure of 690 kPa (100 psig). Lagging must be of sufficient thickness so that the drum, when filled with ethylene
oxide and equipped with the required pressure relief device, will not rupture when exposed to fire. The drum may
not be liquid full below 85 degrees C (185 degrees F). Before each refilling, each drum must be pressure tested for
leakage at no less than 103 kPa (15 psig). Each drum must be equipped with a fusible-type relief device with a yield
temperature of 69 to 77 degrees C (157 to 170 degrees F). The capacity of the relief device and the effectiveness of
the insulation must be such that the charged cylinder will not explode when tested by the method described in CGA
Pamphlet C-14 or other equivalent method.
A6.14.5. In DOT specification cylinders, as authorized for any compressed gas except acetylene. Pressurizing
valves and insulation are required for cylinders over 4 L (1 gallon) capacity. Eductor tubes must be provided for
cylinders over 19 L (5 gallon) capacity. Cylinders must be seamless or welded steel (not brazed) with nominal
capacity of no more than 115 L (30 gallons) and may not be liquid full below 82 degrees C (180 degrees F). Before
each refilling, each cylinder must be pressure tested for leakage at no less than 103 kPa (15 psig). Each cylinder
must be equipped with a fusible-type relief device with a yield temperature of 69 to 77 degrees C (157 to 170
degrees F). The capacity of the relief device and the effectiveness of the insulation must be such that the charged
cylinder will not explode when tested by the method described in CGA Pamphlet C-14 or other equivalent method.
A6.15. Ethylamine (Monoethlamine, Aminoethane).
A6.15.1. Use metal drums (1A1) which meet PG I performance level requirements.
A6.15.2. Use any DOT specification cylinder prescribed for any compressed gas except acetylene.
A6.16. Arsine; Cyanogen Chloride, Stabilized; Cyanogen, Liquefied; Germane; Liquefied Gas, Toxic;
Phosgene; Phosphine. See 2.9 for additional information.
A6.16.1. Handling Instructions. These items are extremely dangerous. Wear approved chemical safety mask and
clothing when handling this material.