AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
The pressure in the container does not exceed 1250 kPa (181 psig) at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F). If the
pressure exceeds 920 kPa (141 psig) at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F), but does not exceed 1100 kPa (160
psig) at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) , use a DOT 2P inner metal container. If the pressure exceeds 1100
kPa (160 psig) at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) use a DOT 2Q inner metal container. The metal container
must be capable of withstanding, without bursting, a pressure of one and one-half times the equilibrium
pressure of the contents at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F).
Each completed inner container filled for shipment must have been heated until the pressure in the
container is equivalent to the equilibrium pressure of the contents at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) without
evidence of leakage, distortion, or other defect.
A6.8.3. In fire extinguishers charged with a small amount of compressed gas of not more than 1660 kPa at 21
degrees C (241 psig at 70 degrees F). These fire extinguishers are excepted from DOT cylinder specification
requirements provided:
They are shipped as inside containers.
The contents are not flammable, toxic, or corrosive.
Internal volume is not over 18 L (1,100 cubic inches). For fire extinguishers not over 900 mL (55 cubic
inch) capacity, the liquid portion of the gas plus any additional liquid or solid must not completely fill the
container at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F). Fire extinguishers over 900 mL (35 cubic inches) may not
contain liquefied compressed gas.
Fire extinguishers manufactured on and after 1 January 1976 must be designed and fabricated with a burst
pressure not less than six times its charged pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F).
Fire extinguishers are tested to three times the charged pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F), but not less
than 825 kPa (120 psig) without failure before the initial shipment. For any subsequent shipments, they
must meet retest requirements of 29 CFR 1910.157(e).
A6.8.4. Transport extinguisher (FEU-1/M) 10 gallon (37.8 L) capacity on military aircraft without special packing
and crating. Use caution during handling and transportation to avoid damage to valves.
A6.9. Refrigerating Machines, Air Conditioners, and Accumulators.
A6.9.1. Refrigerating Machines, Air Conditioners, and Components. Factory-tested refrigerating machines, air
conditioners, and components are exempted from specification packaging, marking, and labeling except for the
name of contents on the outside container, provided (see A6.3.2.8 for small quantities):
Each pressure vessel is charged to not more than 2268 kg (5,000 pounds) of Group A1 refrigerant as
classified in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, or not more than 22.7 kg (50 pounds) of refrigerant other than
Group A1.
Machines containing two or more charged vessels may not contain more than 907 kg (2,000 pounds) of
Group 1 refrigerant, or more than 45.4 kg (100 pounds) of refrigerant other than Group 1.
Each pressure vessel is equipped with a safety relief device meeting the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 15.
Each pressure vessel is equipped with an individual shut-off valve at each opening except openings used
for safety devices and with no other connection. Close shut-off valves during transportation.
Pressure vessels are manufactured, inspected, and tested according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, or
when over 152.4 mm (6 inches) internal diameter, according to American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Code.
All parts subject to refrigerant pressure during shipment are tested under ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15.
The liquid portion of refrigerant, if any, does not completely fill any pressure vessel at 55 degrees C (130
degrees F).
Filling densities prescribed in A3.3.2.5 are not exceeded.
A6.9.2. Accumulators. The following apply to hydraulic accumulators containing nonliquefied, nonflammable
gas, and nonflammable liquids or pneumatic accumulators containing nonliquefied, nonflammable gas, fabricated
from materials that do not fragment upon rupture:
A6.9.2.1. Accumulators installed in motor vehicles, construction equipment, and assembled machinery, designed
and fabricated with a burst pressure of not less than five times their charged pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F)
are exempt from the requirements of this manual.
A6.9.2.2. When charged to not more than 1379 kPa (200 psig) at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F), the following
conditions apply: