AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A6.12.3. Venting Requirements. Protect all containers by vent openings or safety relief devices to prevent
excessive pressure buildup within the containers. The shipper must provide specific venting instructions in the
additional handling information block of the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods (unless venting procedures
are provided in a separate instruction accompanying the shipment or attached to the cargo) and must provide
required equipment (see A17.4.2). Crew members must monitor vent valves during flight. Containers charged with
a nonflammable, nonpoisonous cryogenic liquid, with a net capacity of 25 liters (6.6 gallons) or less, are excepted
from the overboard venting requirement. Tubing or hose for venting to the outside of the aircraft is required.
Provide at least 4.6 m (15 feet) of 25.4 mm (one inch) inside diameter tubing or hose compatible with the product.
Do not use rubber tubing for liquid oxygen. Make sure there are:
Sufficient clamps to attach tubing to the unit, the aircraft vent adapter, and other hoses if more than one unit
is transported. Do not use sealing compound on tubing or hose connections.
T fittings and extra tubing or hose for the manifolding of two or more unit to one aircraft vent.
Tubing or hose must be routed to ensure freedom from kinks, sharp bends, or restrictions that prevent free
venting and cause pressure buildup in the tubing or hose.
A6.12.4. Packaging Requirements. Ensure all containers are designed to hold low temperature liquefied gases
and are strong enough to withstand all shocks and loading normally incident to air shipment and associated
handling. Ship cryogenic liquids of argon, helium, neon, nitrogen, and oxygen according to filling density
requirements in figure A3.4. Ship hydrogen (minimum 95 percent parahydrogen) according to filling density
requirements in figure A3.5. Protect container accessories against damage in handling. Ship in containers as
A6.12.4.1. DOT 4L cylinders in a vertical position.
A6.12.4.2. Type TMU-27M, MIL-T-38170, or MA-1, trailer mounted, 189 L (50 gallon) capacity containers.
A6.12.4.3. C-1, 1892 L (500 gallons) capacity containers.
A6.12.4.4. Dewars, 25 L (6.6 gallon) capacity each. Not more than 6 per aircraft.
A6.12.4.5. Nonpressurized metal vacuum-type containers, dewars, 100 liter (26.42 gallon capacity) attached to
nonskid base. Ship no more than one container per aircraft.
A6.12.4.6. NRU-5/E air-transportable 1514L (400 gallon tank) (MIL-T-38261).
A6.12.4.7. LS-160 container attached to shipping platform. Ship a maximum of one container per aircraft.
Maximum 150 liters (39.63 gallons) nitrogen per container.
A6.12.4.8. TMU-70/M (MIL-A-85415) LOX servicing trailers. The trailers must be equipped with absolute
pressure relief valve and vented to outside of aircraft.
A6.12.4.9. TMU-24E (MIL-T-27720), mounted on aircraft cargo pallet, 1514 L (400 gallons), liquid oxygen or
liquid nitrogen storage and transfer tanks.
A6.12.4.10. LSHe-102, 109 L (28.79 gallon) capacity, attached to shipping skid. Container must be equipped with
an absolute pressure relief valve for air shipment. Authorized for liquid helium.
A6.12.4.11. LSHe-30, 30 L (7.92 gallon) capacity, packed in a specially designed shipping container (P/N 0305-
0002) equipped with plastic foam pads. Ship no more than five containers per aircraft. Authorized for liquid helium
and neon.
A6.12.4.12. LSNe-75, liquid neon container, with a maximum quantity of 75 L (19.81 gallon) attached to a shipping
skid. Ship not more than two containers per aircraft. Containers must be equipped with an absolute pressure relief
A6.12.4.13. Liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen in specification MIL-T-38170 containers vented to the outside of the
aircraft. The container vent valve must be monitored by a crewmember to make sure the pressure buildup within the
container is not over 40 psig. The container must be vented down to 5 psig whenever necessary during flight and the
valve again shut off.
A6.12.4.14. CRU-87/U, 10-liter, Portable Therapeutic Liquid Oxygen (PTLOX) Converters. Up to 25 PTLOX
converters per aircraft may be shipped without overboard venting, except that C-21 aircraft is limited to 10 PTLOX
converters without overboard venting.
A6.12.4.15. Foreign cylinders meeting the requirements of A3.3.2.7.
A6.13. Ethyl Chloride. Package ethyl chloride in any of the following single or combination nonbulk packagings
which meet the PG I performance level. (Outage for all containers must be 7.5 percent or more at 21 degrees C (70
degrees F.)