AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Ship each accumulator as an inside package. There are no specification requirements.
Each accumulator may not have a gas space over 40.7 L (2,500 cubic inches) under stored pressure.
Each accumulator must be tested, without evidence of failure or damage, to at least three times its charged
pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F) but not less than 120 psig (827 kPa) before initial shipment and
before each refilling and reshipment.
A6.9.2.3. When charged over 1379 kPa (200 psig) at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F) the following conditions apply:
Each accumulator must be in compliance with the requirements stated in A6.9.2.2.
Each accumulator must be designed and fabricated with a burst pressure of not less than five times its
charged pressure when shipped.
A6.10. Acetylene Gas. Ship in DOT 8 or 8AL cylinders.
Ensure cylinders are filled with a porous material charged with a suitable solvent as identified in 49 CFR,
paragraph 178.59 or 178.60.
The specific gravity of acetone solvent in acetylene cylinders must be 0.796 or over at 15.5 degrees C (60
degrees F). The amount of solvent added in the refilling operation must not cause the tare weight of the
cylinder to be over its marked tare weight. The tare weight includes the weight of the cylinder shell, porous
filling, safety relief devices, valve, and solvent, but without removable cap.
The pressure in cylinders containing acetylene gas must not exceed 1724 kPa at 21 degrees C (250 psig at
70 degrees F); however, if the cylinders are marked for a lower allowable charging pressure at 21 degrees C
(70 degrees F), then do not exceed that pressure.
A6.11. Cigarette Lighters or Other Similar Devices Charged With Fuel. Do not ship any package containing a
cigarette lighter or other similar ignition device charged with fuel and equipped with an ignition element, or any
self-lighting cigarette, unless the design of the device and its packaging has been approved according to 2.3 or by the
DOT. Ship a cigarette lighter or other similar device charged with a flammable gas according to the following:
No more than 70 mL (2.3 fluid ounces) of liquefied gas may be loaded into each device.
The liquid portion of the gas may not be over 85 percent of the volumetric capacity of each chamber at 15
degrees C (59 degrees F).
Each device including closures must be capable of withstanding, without leakage or rupture, an internal
pressure of at least two times the vapor pressure of the fuel at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F).
Overpack devices in packaging that is designed or arranged to prevent movement of the device itself.
A6.12. Cryogenic Liquids.
A6.12.1. Handling Instructions. Store in cool, well-ventilated area away from fire hazards, direct rays of the sun,
and organic or easily oxidizable materials such as grease and oil. Handle containers with extreme care. Avoid
direct contact.
A6.12.2. Container Requirements:
Do not load a cylinder with a cryogenic liquid colder than the design service temperature of the packaging.
Do not load a cylinder with any material that may combine chemically with any residue in the packaging to
produce an unsafe condition.
The jacket covering the insulation on a cylinder used to transport any flammable cryogenic liquid must be
made of steel.
Do not install a valve or fitting made of aluminum, with internal rubbing or abrading aluminum parts that
may come in contact with oxygen in the cryogenic liquid form, on any cylinder used to transport oxygen,
cryogenic liquid unless the parts are anodized according to ASTM Standard B 580.
Do not install an aluminum valve, pipe, or fitting on any cylinder used to transport any flammable
cryogenic liquid.
Provide each cylinder with one or more pressure relief devices.
Install each pressure relief device and locate so that the cooling effect of the contents during venting will
not prevent effective operation of the device.
The maximum weight of the contents in a cylinder with a design service temperature colder than -195.5
degrees C (-320 degrees F) may not be over the design weight marked on the cylinder.
Each cylinder containing a cryogenic liquid must have a pressure control system that conforms to 49 CFR
173.34(d) and must be designed and installed so that it will prevent the cylinder from becoming liquid full.