(11) Without disturbing the position of the ball,
to a minimum.
Before changing the valve on a
tighten both lug screws (10) until they just
container filled with a toxic agent, the operator and
touch the ball lug (7).
assistant operator should be familiar with each step in
(12) Test for free play around the shaft of the
the procedure and should rehearse the entire operation.
old valve socket by moving the old valve
a. Unscrewing Faulty Valve. Slowly unscrew the
socket slightly in all directions. If the
faulty valve with the old valve wrench (1, fig. 2), while
socket is not free in the wrench holder,
the assistant operator holds the valve socket lever (4,
repeat steps (3) through (11) above until
fig. 6) away from the shield. When gas begins to
there is free play with the ball screws and
escape from around the faulty valve, unscrew it as
lug screws clamped.
rapidly as possible. When the valve is free of the
I. Install the adjustable chain coupling assembly
eduction tube outlet, the wrench shaft spring (3, fig. 2)
as follows:
will force the old valve wrench away from the shield.
(1) Hook the chain hooks (1, fig. 11) on the
Immediately drop the old valve wrench to the ground.
coupling chains (4) into the holes in the
b. Positioning New Valve. As soon as the faulty
ends of the center key guide (2).
valve is free of the eduction tube outlet, the assistant
(2) Stretch the chains (4) toward the rear head
operator turns the valve holder counterclockwise to the
of the one-ton container.
new valve position with the valve socket lever (4, fig. 6),
(3) Extend the coupling hook (3, fig. 10) to its
while holding the valve socket lever away from the
maximum length by turning the coupling
shield. The wrench holder (5, fig. 4) will lock in the new
knob (4) counterclockwise.
valve position automatically. Check that the red wrench
(4) Attach the coupling body (1) to the rear rim
plate lug (14) is against the ball lug (7) when the wrench
of the one-ton container, and connect a link
holder is in the new valve position.
of the appropriate coupling chain (2) to the
c. Installing New Valve.
coupling hook (3). Stretch the chain as
(1) When the assistant operator feels the
tightly as possible.
wrench holder in the new valve position, he
(5) Repeat step (4) for the second adjustable
must quickly push the valve socket lever
chain coupling.
hard toward the front of the one-ton
(6) Tighten the coupling chains equally by
container and hold it there as firmly as
turning the coupling knobs clockwise until
possible. Screw the new valve in the
the chains are taut.
empty eduction tube outlet while the
(7) Test the old valve wrench for free play
assistant operator has it seated.
(step k (12) above). Adjust if necessary.
(2) Begin turning the new valve clockwise as
m. Slide the wrench shaft spring (3, fig. 2) onto the
soon as the faulty valve is free of the
shaft of the old valve socket (4), compress the spring,
eduction tube outlet, and continue turning
and screw the spring collar (2) to the end of the old
while the assistant operator swings the
valve socket.
wrench holder into the new position.
n. Unlock the lock bolt (1, fig. 5) by moving the
(3) While the assistant operator holds the
valve socket lever toward the shield, turn
lock bolt screw (5) toward the center of the wrench
the new valve wrench until the new valve
holder plate (7) until the plunger (3) latches the lock bolt
is tightened into the eduction tube outlet.
in the unlocked position.
d. Tightening New Valve. Tighten the new valve
o. Fit the socket on the old valve wrench (1, fig. 2)
into position with an M2 valve removing wrench after
to the old valve socket (4).
the M1 valve replacement mechanism has been
removed from the one-ton container.
17. Changing Valve
Change the valve quickly to keep the escape of gas
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