(1) Visual inspection. Make a thorough visual
20. Tools and Spare Parts
inspection of the apparatus and check for
a. Tools. An engineer's wrench, to be used when
loose or missing nuts and bolts. When
tightening the socket cap screws, is packed with the M1
necessary, tighten or replace hardware.
valve replacement mechanism.
Inspect the apparatus to see that all parts
b. Spare Parts. Four spare socket cap screws are
are present.
Replace missing parts
packed with the M1 valve replacement mechanism.
authorized for replacement by the operator.
Check to see that no objects obstruct
21. Lubrication
moving parts. Inspect for rust, distortion,
cracks, breaks, and stripped or damaged
Lubricate the M1 valve replacement mechanism with
threads. Remove rust with a wire brush or
engine oil (OE) after each use. Use SAE 30 at
sandpaper. Repair or replace faulty parts
temperatures above 32F., SAE 10 at temperatures
authorized for repair or replacement by the
lubricating oil (PL-special) at temperatures below zero
(2) Old valve and new valve socket wrench
F. Cover all unpainted surfaces with a thin film of oil.
assemblies. Check shafts of sockets for
Oil all moving parts and threaded parts including socket
straightness. Replace bent sockets.
cap screws, ball screws, lug screws, the ball, the outer
(3) Ball and socket assembly. Tighten loose
and inner ends of the wrench holder, the lever lock, the
screws and bolts. Test the ball for freedom
adjustable screws, and the adjustable chain coupling.
of motion in the socket. Check ball screws
and lug screws for proper operation. Test
the valve holder for free movement from
Do not allow the lubricant to become
the old valve position to the new valve
contaminated by sand, dust, or
position. Check the lock bolt assembly to
moisture. Make certain the lubricant
see that the lock bolt fastens the wrench
containers are tightly closed when
holder in both positions, that the plunger
not in use.
holds the lock bolt unlocked when it is in the
old valve position, and that the lock bolt
22. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Services
falls automatically when the value holder is
in the new valve position. Repair or replace
a. Inspections. Inspect the equipment before and
faulty parts.
after operation. Correct any condition which may result
(4) Valve socket lever assembly. Test the lever
in improper functioning or damage to the equipment.
lock to see that it locks the lever pin in the
b. Reporting Deficiencies. Report all deficiencies
assembled position.
that cannot be corrected to the next higher maintenance
(5) Shield assembly. Tighten loose screws and
bolts. Test adjusting keys for ease of
c. Before-Operation Services. The purpose of
operation. Clean, repair, or replace parts to
before-operation services is to determine whether the
correct faulty operation.
equipment is in good operating condition. Deficiencies
(6) Adjustable chain coupling assemblies.
must be corrected or reported to organizational
Check that there are no damaged links
maintenance personnel for correction before the
equipment is placed in operation.
TAGO 5013-A 17