valve socket lever to the lever bracket (para. 9e(1)).
engaging the groove in the pin. A lever lock knob (5)
controls the lever lock.
The lever lock (6) holds the lever pin in position by
Lever pin
4 Valve socket lever
Steel pins
5 Lever lock knob
6 Lever lock
Figure 6. Valve socket lever assembly.
(2) Adjusting screws. The four adjusting screws
11. Shield Assembly
(5, fig. 9) are steel screws supported by the
key guides.
The shield assembly (fig. 7) consists of a shield (1), a
(3) Adjusting keys. The adjusting keys (4) are
shield adjusting mechanism and two handles (9).
wedge-shaped pieces of steel that are
a. Shield. The shield (1) is a steel disk 33 inches in
threaded onto the adjusting screws and
diameter and 7/64-inch thick. A hole in the shield, 85/8-
protrude through slots to the inner side of the
inches in diameter, holds the ball and socket assembly.
shield. Key clamps (3), bolted to the adjusting
A nameplate (2) riveted to the front of the shield shows
keys on the inner side of the shield, hold the
the manufacturer's identification number, the serial
adjusting keys perpendicular to the shield.
number, and the lot number. A marker plate (4), painted
The adjusting keys are moved away from or
red and stamped with the word TOP, is riveted to the
toward the center of the shield by turning the
front of the shield. Four slots in the shield act as guides
for four adjusting keys.
b. Shield Adjusting Mechanism. The shield adjusting
(4) Adjusting knobs. Knurled adjusting knobs (2)
mechanism consists of three guides (5, 7, and 10), four
on the ends of the adjusting screws (5) are
adjusting screws, four adjusting knobs (3 and 8), and
used to turn the adjusting screws.
four screw covers (6).
(5) Screw covers.
Steel covers (3, fig. 8),
(1) Key guides. The key guides (1, fig. 8) are
screwed to the key guides (1), cover the slots
slotted steel angles that are bolted to the outer
and retard the escape of gas through the
side of the shield. They form supports for the
adjusting screws and give rigidity to the
shield. A hole is drilled near the end of the
center key guide for fastening the coupling
TAGO 5013-A 9