T.O. 33B-1-1
compliance with current regulations. This section is based in part on recommendations contained in
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (formerly National Bureau of Standards)
Handbook 114, General safety Standard for Installations Using Non-Medical X-ray and Sealed
Gamma Source, Energies up to 10 MeV, and in National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurement (NCRP) Report No. 116, Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, and Report No.
51, Radiation Protection Design Guidelines for 0.1-100 MeV Particle Accelerator Facilities. Exposure
limits specified herein and in AR 40-14 are derived from those specified in federal regulations,
particularly Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, (10 CFR) Part 20. In the event of conf lict, the more
restrictive limits apply; thus, as used herein, limits/standards specified in AR 40-14 should be
interpreted to read standards specified in AR 40-14 or applicable federal regulations.
Responsibilities (Air Force/Navy).
Base Radiation Safety Officer.
The Base Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) is responsible for initiation, supervision and execution of the
base radiation protection program. This program provides for routine health physics surveillance of
all operations involving the use of ionizing radiation to insure safe practices. Consultant services of
qualified individuals are available at the following locations to assist the Base RSO with the radiation
protection program:
(1) CONUS:
2402 E. Drive
Brooks AFB, TX 78235-5114
DSN 240-3486
Commercial (210) 536-3486
(2) USAFE:
601 Med Sq/SGB
Unit 4095, Box 25
APO AE 09136-9525 (Sembach AB, Germany)
(3) PACAF:
Det 3 AL (AFMC)
Unit 5213
APO AP 96368-5213 (Kadena AB, Japan)
Assist to develop and annually review operating instructions for radiation safety during NDI
Provide ALARA training in accordance with 10CFR19 and 29CFR1910.
Annually assess exposures in controlled and uncontrolled areas (ref. 6.9.8).
Assist in any investigations of overexposures, abnormal exposures or incidents involving radiation
exposures resulting from NDI operations.
Assure contract radiography services are conducted in accordance applicable state and federal
regulations, and the requirement of this technical order (ref.
Establish appropriate action levels for personnel dosimetry results, such that if this level is exceeded
an investigation will result to assess the cause and minimize future occurrences.
Maintenance Supervisor.
The Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for the Nondestructive Inspection Laboratory, Industrial Radiog-
raphy Section, and its radiation protection program. He will insure that the requirements of this publication
are fulfilled.
NDI Laboratory Supervisor.
The NDI Laboratory Supervisor will normally be delegated the responsibility for administering all industrial
radiography operations and insuring compliance with all aspects of the radiation protection program. He
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