Figure 99. Air cylinder for testing propellant actuated devices.
This transducer is very sensitive, does not
load down the thruster, and eliminates
is used to determine peak pressure and time-to-peak
problems resulting from vibrations during
the stroke.
e. Leak-Detection Fixture.
d. Pressure Chambers. Pressure chambers are
(1) Ordinarily, cartridges are the only items
used for testing gas-generated devices. The fixture is a
which are tested for leaks. For this
cylindrical chamber of a specified volume, usually 0.062
purpose, a radioactive tracer method is
cubic inch of 1 cubic inch. The chamber is provided
with 2 ports: one for the hose which leads the gas into
(2) In this test, a sealed cartridge is placed in
the chamber, and the other to permit insertion of a
a pressure chamber and exposed to
radioactive gas (Krypton 85).
difference between the internal and the