AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 23
A23.1. Contract Air Carriers. Commercial airlift of military hazardous materials utilizing contract air carriers is
authorized according to Department of Transportation Exemptions (DOT-E) 7573 and 9232, and this manual.
A23.2. DOT-E 7573. The DoD is authorized to transport hazardous materials via AMC commercial contract cargo
aircraft under the authority of DOT-E 7573 according to the following conditions:
The pilot in charge is notified in writing that the exemption is being used and a copy of DOT-E 7573 must
accompany the shipment. See attachment 21 for the statement required on the hazardous cargo manifest
and briefing requirements.
Hazardous material shipments are in complete compliance with this manual.
Segregation compatibility requirements of tables A18.1 and A18.2 apply.
Ensure compliance with all other requirements of the exemption.
A23.3. DOT-E 9232. DOT-E 9232 applies only under the following conditions:
During a declared national emergency.
In defense crisis conditions which require the activation of any state of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
program, or the use of foreign-flag aircraft made available to the United States Government (USG)
pursuant to formal security agreements between the USG and the involved foreign government.
During rapid deployment of US Armed Forces.
The following special provisions also apply:
A copy of the exemption must accompany the shipment. Notify the pilot in command, in writing, that
the exemption is being exercised.
Include a summary of hazardous materials on the cargo manifest.
Hazardous material shipments are in complete compliance with this manual.
The troop commander must identify to the aircraft commander (or designated representative) in
writing, any individual issue of hazardous materials that are included in rucksacks or field packs,
which are not already included on the cargo manifest. Identify hazardous materials by PSN, hazard
class, UN identification number, PG, and net quantity.
Load hazardous materials only in the cargo compartment of passenger carrying aircraft. Hazardous
materials (including small arms ammunition) are not authorized in the passenger compartment.
Do not remove hazardous materials from required packaging and place in equipment or vehicle racks
and containers.
Agreement signed by the airfield operator in advance of the operation that includes, as a minimum, an
emergency response plan. HQ AMC/DO maintains agreements.
A23.4. Use of Passenger Carrying Aircraft. When requirements dictate movement of hazardous materials on
passenger contract aircraft, ensure the material is prepared according to 49 CFR 100-199. Type and quantity of
material authorized will be according to 49 CFR 172.101 for passenger carrying aircraft.