AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 22
A22.1. Passenger Eligibility. Table A4.1, column 7 provides passenger eligibility codes that identify passenger
movement restrictions with hazardous materials.
Use table 4.1 and table A4.2 to determine passenger movement eligibility with a specific material.
Do not move passengers with cargo coded as Cargo Aircraft Only unless exempted by this manual.
Obtain a passenger deviation when required by this attachment.
Aircraft transporting personnel with hazardous materials must be equipped with serviceable oxygen
equipment and oxygen supply for all personnel. Supplemental oxygen is not required when transporting
Air, refrigerated liquid; and Engines, internal combustion..
A22.1.1. Passenger Deviations. Move passengers with hazardous materials coded as Cargo Aircraft Only
consistent with operational requirements. Prevent exposure of passengers to the hazardous material. A deviation
authorizing the movement of passengers with cargo aircraft only material is granted only for exceptional cases.
Contact the MAJCOM, number Air Force, or Service having operational control of the aircraft for
passenger deviations.
When a deviation has been approved, type, print, or stamps on all copies of the passenger manifest the
Separate passengers from the hazardous cargo.
An aircrew member must provide surveillance to ensure passengers are safe and maintain a maximum
distance from the hazardous cargo.
Deviations are not required for:
Technical escorts responsible for cargo.
Crew chiefs and maintenance personnel assigned to support the aircraft transporting the hazardous
DoD duty passengers transported with material coded P4 in column 7 of table A4.1.
A22.1.2. Radioactive Material Passenger Restrictions.
Packages with a radioactive yellow II or radioactive yellow III label may not be transported on passenger
aircraft unless:
The transport index is not over 1.0 for a package required to be labeled radioactive yellow II.
The transport index is not over 3.0 for a package required to be labeled radioactive yellow III.
Radioactive material requiring a label must be separated from personnel and passengers by the greatest
distance possible. Radioactive yellow II and yellow III material must be separated by a minimum of 2
pallet positions (176 in) at all times while on the aircraft. If the total transport index of all packages on the
aircraft exceeds 50, the separation distance between the surfaces of the radioactive materials packages and
the surfaces bounding the space occupied by persons or animals must be at least 9 meters (30 feet).
Do not offer Type B(M) packages for transportation on passenger-carrying aircraft.
Except as provided in A11.12, no person may carry any radioactive material other than a radioactive
material intended for use in, or incident to, research, medical diagnosis, or treatment aboard a passenger
A22.2. Carriage of Hazardous Materials by Passengers. Passengers must not carry hazardous materials on
military aircraft. The exceptions listed below are not subject to any other requirements of this manual
(nonregulated) when carried by a crewmember or passenger.
Material in aerosol containers not exceeding 473.1 ml (16 fluid ounces) or 2.205 kg (1 pound) per container
when carried in crewmember or passenger baggage (including carry-on baggage), unless they are classified
as poisonous or irritating material. The total quantity of the excepted articles carried by any crewmember
or passenger in carry-on or checked baggage must not exceed 2136 g or 2217.8 ml (75 net weight ounces
and fluid ounces).