AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 24
A24.1. Material Requiring SAAM Airlift. This attachment identifies requirements for technical escorts and other
extensive protective measures for extremely hazardous materials. The provisions of this attachment apply to the
following shipments:
Material identified in table A4.1 as Special Provision 1 (SP1) which include, but are not limited to, Class
6.1, PG 1, hazard zone A and Class 2.3 hazard zone A toxic material.
Class 1, compatibility group K.
Fissle Class III Radioactive Material.
Infectious substances (etiologic agent) and biological research material requiring a technical escort for
safety concerns.
HA24.2. Transportation Requirements.
Transport the materials identified in A24.1 by Special Assignment Airlift Mission (SAAM) only. Process
SAAM requests, cargo clearance, and appropriate confirmations according to AFR 76-38/AR 59-
8/OPNAVINST 4630.18E/MCO 4630.6D/DLAR 4540.9.
When Class 6.1, PG I, hazard zone A and Class 2.3, hazard zone A toxic materials are shipped by air, the
consignor is required to furnish or ensure availability of:
Complete protective clothing and equipment for all aircrew members.
Qualified technical escort personnel, applicable decontamination and detection equipment or supplies,
and suitable first-aid equipment or supplies to cope with leaking containers during airlift.
- Fissile class III shipments must incorporate transportation controls that are performed by the shipper or
carrier, as appropriate, to provide nuclear criticality safety, and protect against loading, storing, or
transporting that shipment with any other fissile material.
Transport Fissile class III shipments in an aircraft:
Assigned to the exclusive use of the shipper with a specific restriction for the exclusive use to be
provided in the appropriate arrangements between shipper and carrier and with instructions to that
effect issued with the shipping papers.
That does not contain other packages of radioactive material requiring one of the labels prescribed in
attachment 15.
Liquids with a mist Inhalation Zone A, PG I hazard, less than 5 L per package, and solids with a toxic
Inhalation hazard Zone A, PG I hazard, less than 15 kg per package, may be transported by other than a
SAAM with approval of Service focal point according to paragraph 2.3.1. Passenger prohibition code "P2"
A24.3. Technical Escorts. Furnish technical escorts when service regulations (or cargo clearance arrangements)
require it, or when the shipping activitys medical or flight safety personnel dictate. The shipping activity must
initiate action to furnish the qualified personnel, when they are required. They must also furnish technical escorts or
other personnel to accompany shipments of infectious substances (etiologic agents) or plant quarantine materials per
A10.9. When the shipping activity is required to furnish qualified personnel, it will also initiate action to furnish all
required protective clothing and equipment for crew members, in addition to the appropriate decontamination
detection and emergency first-aid equipment. The escort has complete jurisdiction over the cargo as it pertains to
normal security, safety, protection of personnel, repair, and disposal of containers. However, in the following
situations, escort authorities are primarily technical advisors, and are subordinate to:
The aircraft commander in matters of flight operations and safety.
The base installation commander in matters affecting the safety and mission of the command.
A24.4. Shipping Documents for Infectious Substances (Etiologic Agents). An etiologic agent and plant
quarantine material shipment record must accompany all shipments of infectious substances (etiologic agents)
transported under the provisions of this attachment. The consignor (shipper) must prepare this record.
If the shipping document is classified, it must be in the custody of the technical escort or other qualified
personnel accompanying the shipment. In the absence of accompanying personnel, and if the document is