AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Training for completion of the shippers certification must be conducted by a qualified Preparer as
identified in A25.3.1.
Air Force activities use the "Hazardous Material Technical Specialist Instructional Guidance" training
material to develop and administer a local technical specialist training program. Contact your MAJCOM
transportation office for guidance and the AFMC LSO/LOP HAZMAT web site to obtain a copy of the
Training is available for medical personnel who manage, package, certify or prepare laboratory samples
and specimens for transport by any mode.
- Transport of Biomedical Material Course (Initial or Refresher), U. S. Army Center for Health Promotion
and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403. Telephone DSN
584-5228/3651 or commercial (410) 436-5228/3651.
HA25.4. Training Frequency. All hazardous material personnel must receive initial training and subsequent
refresher training at 24-month intervals. This applies to all levels (i.e., Handlers, Packers, Inspectors, and Preparers)
of required training. Train individuals based on functional group requirements.
Each Service or major command (MAJCOM) may grant an extension to this qualification expiration date
for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days during which eligible personnel must receive training.
Each Service or MAJCOM may grant successive 60-day extensions to a person's qualification expiration
date for long-term tactical or contingency operations. In this instance, personnel extended past their initial
60-day extension may only certify hazardous materials moved according to the tactical or contingency
operation. Once personnel return to normal duty, train each person as specified in this attachment.
Each Service or MAJCOM is responsible for management of the extension authority and may establish
more stringent training frequencies to enhance training requirements.
A25.5. Training Records. Test all hazardous material personnel and maintain a record of the training provided.
Maintain and dispose of records according to an approved Records Disposition Schedule. As a minimum, maintain
the record for as long as the person works for the DoD as a hazardous material employee and for 90 days after
separation from the DoD. This record must indicate the following:
Name of person who received the training.
Date training took place.
A description, copy, or location of training materials used to train the person.
The name and address of the person who provided the training.
Certification statement of completion of training and testing.
A25.6. Certification Under Combat Conditions. An aircraft commander (or representative designated by the
commander) may accept a hazardous materials shipment under a combat situation without regard to the above
A25.7. Non-DoD Personnel Certifying Hazardous Material Shipments. Non-DoD personnel preparing
hazardous materials for transportation by military air must do so according to this manual. DoD does not require
non-DoD personnel to complete the training courses specified in this attachment. However, these individuals must
meet the requirements of Title 49 CFR Part 172 Subpart H Training for all employees having responsibility for
preparing hazardous materials for shipment. Training must include function specific duties related to military air
transportation. Non-DoD personnel who desire the training outlined in this attachment must contact their contract
administration office.