AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 20
A20.1. Absorbent Material General Requirements. For combination packagings, use cushioning materials
suitable for the absorption of liquid hazardous materials in the event of leakage from the primary receptacle. Ensure
cushioning materials used are satisfactory in all respects. Ensure the material is not capable of reacting adversely
with the contents of the package and is noncombustible. Do not use asbestos. The following requirements apply to
the use of absorbent cushioning material for combination packagings:
Use absorbent cushioning material to package liquids in PG I and II.
Each package containing a liquid in PG I must include sufficient cushioning material to absorb the
entire contents of the inner containers.
Each package containing a liquid in PG II must include sufficient cushioning material to absorb the
contents of any one inner container. If the inner containers vary in size, include sufficient cushioning
material to absorb the contents of the inner receptacle containing the greatest quantity of liquid.
- Absorbent cushioning material is not required for:
- Paint in PG II
- Liquids in PG III
- Consumer Commodities (if inner receptacles are other than glass or earthenware)
When overpacking containers of liquids that do not meet pressure requirements into containers that meet
the pressure requirement, use absorbent cushioning material as stipulated above.
When absorbent cushioning material is required and the outer packaging is not liquid-tight, use a means of
containing the liquid in the event of leakage. This may take the form of a leak-proof liner, plastic bag, or
other equally efficient means of containment. When securely closed polyethylene (4-mil minimum) bags
are used to contain the cushioning and hazardous liquid, the bags must be of sufficient size to form a liner
for the exterior container, or a bag for the interior container.
When overpacking individual packagings that already meet air-eligibility requirements use enough
cushioning material to secure and position the packagings against damage. The cushioning material,
absorbent or nonabsorbent, must completely fill any void space in the container.
Absorbent cushioning material is not required for containers that have met the UN packaging specification
test requirements (including the hydrostatic pressure test) as a single packaging.
A20.2. Determining the Amount Required. Use table A20.1 as a guide to determine the amount of vermiculite or
diatomaceous earth required for overpacking and cushioning liquid hazardous materials. Other equivalent
cushioning materials may be used to meet A20.1 requirements.
The amounts identified in table A20.1 are the minimum requirements. When exact quantities of cushioning
materials are not found in table A20.1, make an approximation based on quantities listed.
When placing cushioning materials into the container, consider settling of the cushioning materials during
transportation. Use enough cushioning material to compensate for any settling that may occur.
When the applicable test report identifies an amount larger than table A20.1, use the amount identified in
the test report.