AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Chapter 2
2.1. Deviations and Waivers. Deviations and waivers are a departure from established procedures in this manual.
2.2. Passenger Movement Deviations. Do not transport passengers with hazardous materials coded as cargo
aircraft only in table A4.1, column 7 and table A4.2 Passenger Eligibility P Codes. See attachment 22 for
deviation authority, additional passenger information, and supplemental oxygen requirements.
H2.3. Packaging and Compatibility Waivers. Waivers are exceptions to the packaging or compatibility
requirements of this manual. Safety and risk management of airlift assets are the overriding factors for waiver
consideration. Ease of operation, convenience, or program office preference are not reasons for waiver. Service
focal points will not issue waivers if surface transportation is reasonably available.
2.3.1. Packaging Waivers. The shipper must obtain a waiver for any hazardous item or packaging not authorized
in attachments 5 through 13. Submit waiver requests to your Service focal point (see paragraph 1.2.2) by letter,
message, or telephone. Confirm waivers requested by telephone with a letter or message. Ensure receipt of the
letter or message prior to issuing the waiver. A copy of the waiver must accompany the shipment. The DoD does
not have authority to issue packaging waivers to UN specification requirements. Do not jeopardize safety for
convenience or ease of operation. To obtain a waiver, the shipper must:
Provide a detailed description of the package.
Provide the PSN, hazard class, identification number, packing group, and net quantity of the material.
Provide a detailed explanation why the established requirements can not be met.
Provide a transportation analysis identifying why surface transportation can not be effectively utilized.
2.3.2. Compatibility Waivers for Military Aircraft. Shippers submit waiver requests to their Service focal point
(see paragraph 1.2.2) for approval. For Air Force aircraft, the Service focal point forwards the waiver request, with
their coordination, to HQ AMC/SEW/DONC Scott AFB IL 62225-5363. Waiver requests must contain the
following information:
Reason incompatible materials require shipment together.
Reason for air movement and why other transportation modes cannot be utilized.
Statement that if one item detonates or leaks, incompatible items (in the same container or on the same
aircraft) will not cause a propagation detonation, fire, corrosive effect, or contamination of the aircraft.
Provide a brief description (include tests, if performed) which support your safety conclusions. Also,
provide any additional safety controls the carrier must exercise.
Provide intended date of movement, routing, and type of airlift required.
Provide national stock numbers; model numbers of explosive items; PSNs; hazard classes; identification
numbers; quantity or net explosive weight (individual and total as applicable); and packaging paragraphs.
Provide points of contact at origin and destination bases.
2.3.3. Compatibility Waivers for AMC-Contracted (Commercial) Aircraft. Do not move incompatible items
by AMC-contracted aircraft unless authorized by a DOT exemption. If an emergency situation exists to airlift
incompatible items by AMC-contracted aircraft, provide the information required by paragraph 2.3.2 to HQ
AMC/DONC/SEG who will request an exemption from the DOT if warranted.
2.3.4. Operational Necessity Waivers. Variations to the requirements of this manual are authorized for a specific
mission when strategic and compelling reasons exist. The Service/MAJCOM having operational control of the
aircraft must approve the operating procedures for specific missions. USTRANSCOM approves operating
procedures for overall program management of strategic lift assets operated by HQ AMC. This paragraph applies to
the following conditions:
Recovery of downed aircraft.
Emergency rescue operations.
Movement of portable generators to support critical and key functions where power has been disrupted.
Movement of fueled support equipment (SE) to replace inoperative equipment supporting an ongoing
mobility exercise or operational plan. Equipment may be transported with fuel not to exceed one-half tank.