AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Life-saving appliances
Mercury contained in manufactured articles
Packages whose net mass exceeds 400 kg (882 pounds) or with a capacity exceeding 450 liters (119
1.7.2. Grandfathered Items. Government-owned goods packaged before 1 January 1990 are exempt from UN
specification requirements. Ship these items under the packaging requirements in effect at the time of packaging.
Annotate the shipping papers "Government-owned goods packaged before 1 January 1990." See attachment 17 for
certification instructions.
1.8 Fueled Vehicles and Equipment. Limit quantity of fuel within a vehicle or wheeled support equipment to a
minimum. Do not exceed the maximum fuel in tank limits specified in attachment 13. Commanders must consider
availability of fuel at the destination and operational requirements for mission readiness when determining fuel
levels and ship with less than the maximum allowable amount when applicable. The preparer (certifying official)
must ensure any unnecessary fuel is drained prior to shipment.
H1.9. Damaged or Improper Shipments. Do not transport any damaged, leaking, or improperly packed, marked,
or labeled item or material.
Return shipments to the originator, at the originators expense, when a shipment requiring UN specification
containers is not packaged properly. The originating activity may provide the shipper with the appropriate
UN specification marking to correct the shipment. Consider urgency of need when determining the best
method for correcting a deficient shipment. Ensure compliance with applicable modal regulations when
offering any shipment for transportation.
Report deficiencies on SF 361, Transportation Discrepancy Report, or SF 364, Supply Discrepancy
Report (or equivalent reporting means as designated by the Service Focal Points and coordinated with
AFMC LSO/LOP). Report leaks from packages, equipment, and self-propelled vehicles during loading or
unloading, or in flight as a packaging deficiency.
Immediately report any release of a hazardous substance in a quantity equal or greater than its reportable
quantity to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by calling the US Coast Guard National Response
Center at 800-424-8802 or 202-267-2675.
Consult local installation operating procedures for hazardous material emergency planning, response, and
reporting requirements in the event of an incident involving hazardous materials.
Do not move dropped or damaged explosive items. The Transportation or Packaging Office will
immediately contact Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), safety or munitions personnel to determine
H1.10. Empty Containers, Cylinders, Radioactive Packages and Nonhazardous Materials. Except as
specified in this paragraph, empty containers or articles are not subject to any other requirements of this manual.
1.10.1. Empty Containers. Inspect packages that formerly contained a hazardous material covered by this manual
to determine the presence or absence of hazardous material. If there is presence of hazardous material, purge the
hazardous material or the package is regulated in the same manner as prescribed for the package if full. A container
is considered empty if:
A hazardous article has been removed from its container and there is no possibility of remaining residue
(i.e., empty torpedo or missile containers).
If the container has been purged of the hazardous material it previously contained.
1.10.2. Empty Cylinders. Compressed gas cylinders are empty if the pressure in the cylinder is less than 40
pounds per square inch absolute (psia) at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F). Psia equals the gauge pressure plus
atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi).
Before shipment, inspect empty cylinders for dents, bulges, oxidation pits, or other damage. Handle faulty
cylinders as required by the latest DOT regulations or DLAI 4145.25/AR 700-68/NAVSUPINST
4440.128D/MCO 10330.2D/AFJMAN 23-227(I), Storage and Handling of Liquified and Gaseous
Compressed Gasses and Their Full and Empty Cylinders.
Tightly close valves of cylinders before offering for transportation. The requirements of A3.3.2.2 apply to
the protection of the valves.