AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Shipments in accordance with the requirements of AFI 11-289, Phoenix Banner, Phoenix Silver, and
Copper Operations.
2.3.5. Intelligence or Criminal Investigations. Variations to the requirements of this manual are authorized for
airlift of hazardous materials involved in intelligence or criminal investigations. Qualified personnel of those
agencies responsible for the cargo must certify that all safety precautions have been taken to transport the materials
safely. The shipper must ensure compliance with as many requirements of this manual as possible. This
authorization is valid only for movement out of an austere environment. At the first secure in-route airfield, the
cargo must be prepared according to this manual or paragraph 2.3.1.
H2.4. DOT Exemptions. A DOT exemption is authority to deviate from the requirements of 49 CFR 100-199.
Use exemptions as authority for shipment by military air, if applicable. Follow all requirements of the exemption.
The shipping activity must provide a copy of the exemption for each shipment. If the approval date on the
exemption has expired, but a renewal has been applied for, enter, "Renewal Requested, Current Exemption
Still Valid". Place this statement on the exemption after verifying renewal request with the Service Focal
The exemption must accompany the cargo in the Defense Transportation System.
Maintain a copy of the exemption at each facility where it is used in connection with the transportation of
the hazardous material.
Do not use DOT packaging exemptions for international shipments unless the item is exempted from UN
specification requirements (see 1.7.1).
Forward requests for new exemptions or copies of existing exemptions according to the DTR, Volume II.
H2.5 Competent Authority Approvals (CAA). A CAA is an approval issued by a national agency responsible
under its national law for the regulation of hazardous materials transportation. The U.S. Competent Authority is the
U.S. Department of Transportation. These may also be referred to as Special Approvals. The following information
One type of CAA is issued for explosive hazard classification. A copy of this CAA is not required to
accompany military air shipments. See paragraph A3.3.1.2 for explosive classification approval
requirements. If packaging requirements are included as part of an explosive hazard classification CAA,
certify the shipment to A5.6 and attach a copy of the CAA to the shippers declaration (see A17.4.1).
A second type of CAA is issued for packaging or other transportation requirements when specified by the
responsible national agency for the originating shipment. These include CAA's issued by the U.S.
Competent Authority and foreign agencies.
Use this CAA as authority for military air shipment.
Follow all requirements of the approval.
The shipping activity must provide a copy of the CAA for each shipment.
The CAA must accompany the cargo in the Defense Transportation System.
The Inventory Control Point for the item (national stock number managing activity) must submit the
CAA request to the Service/Agency focal point according to the DTR, Volume II. Request copies of
existing CAAs according to the DTR, Volume II.
H2.6. DoD Certification of Equivalency (COE). A COE is a certification that the proposed packaging equals or
exceeds the requirements of 49 CFR 100-199. Use COEs as authority for shipment by military air, if applicable.
Follow all requirements of the approval.
The shipping activity must provide a copy of the COE for each shipment.
The COE must accompany the cargo in the Defense Transportation System.
Do not use COEs for international shipments unless the item is exempted from UN specification
requirements (see 1.7.1).
Forward requests for new COEs according to the DTR, Volume II. Request copies of existing COEs
according to 1.2.2.
COE issuing officials, as identified in the DTR, Volume II, follow guidance in DLAD 4145.41/AR 700-
143/AFJI 24-210/NAVSUPINST 4030.55/MCO 4030.40, Packaging of Hazardous Material, for approving
COEs. Any COE that approves military airlift of a hazardous material that is forbidden by this manual,
either primary or secondary hazard, must be coordinated with the respective Service Focal Point and