AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
If the cylinder contains residue of either of the following material, ship is regulated as full cylinders,
regardless of psia, unless completely cleaned and purged of residue or vapors:
Ammonia, Anhydrous
Division 2.2 with a subsidiary risk
Contains a flammable or poisonous material
1.10.3. Empty Radioactive Material Packaging. Empty the contents of the packaging as far as practical and
The requirements of A11.11 are met.
The packaging is in unimpaired condition and is securely closed so that there will be no leakage of
radioactive material under normal transportation conditions.
Internal contamination is not over 100 times the limits specified in A3.3.7.11.
The packaging is prepared for shipment according to the requirements of A11.12.
1.10.4. Identifying Nonregulated Material, Containers or Cylinders. An item listed in table A4.1 may not be
regulated because it does not meet the definition of the hazard class. This includes containers or articles defined as
empty according to this paragraph. In this situation, when the item is determined to be nonregulated, the shipper
must alert the carrier by:
Annotating "NONHAZARDOUS" in the address block of the DD Form 1387, Military Shipment Label.
In the absence of a DD Form 1387, the shipper will use an equivalent means of notification.
Ship the item as general cargo and a Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods form is not required.
Apply an "EMPTY" label according to Attachment 15, when applicable. A label is not required for
equipment or articles unless packaged, crated, or otherwise enclosed to prevent ready identification.
The "NONHAZARDOUS" entry on the DD Form 1387 and the use of an "EMPTY" label is not required
when the hazardous contents are completely removed from the container and there is no possibility of
remaining residue, and the hazard communication markings and labels are removed or covered.
H1.11. Stowing Hazardous Materials.
Ensure hazardous materials are compatible (attachment 18) when stored in transit.
Ensure hazardous materials are accessible in flight.
Ensure hazard markings and warning labels are visible to aircrew and unloading personnel.
Do not stow hazardous materials susceptable to leaking on the same aircraft pallet with foodstuff, feed, or
any other edible material intended for consumption by humans or animals (see paragraph 3.6.3). Solid
material, such as explosive articles, may be loaded on the same aircraft pallet with foodstuffs based on
operational requirements.
H1.12. Protective Equipment. The aircraft operator will ensure appropriate equipment is available to protect
aircrew and passengers when transporting materials whose vapors are toxic, irritating or corrosive. Aircraft must
have a closed oxygen system or protective mask for each person aboard. The shipper will provide any required
special equipment to meet unique cargo safety requirements. It is the shippers responsibility, based on intimate
knowledge of the material, to determine necessary required protective equipment. While the exact equipment
required depends on the materials being transported, following are the recommended minimum (or equivalent
Two pairs of rubber gloves.
One pair of protective gloves.
One plastic or rubber apron.
A five-pound (2.3 kg) package of incombustible absorbent material.
Three large plastic bags (4-mil thick, as a minimum).
One oxygen or protective mask for each person.
The base must ensure availability of protective equipment to cope with ground emergencies involving the
cargo during loading operations. Coordinate respiratory and other personal protection requirements with
the medical service.
H1.13. Unitized, Palletized, Containerized, or Consolidated Loads. Shippers must ensure aerial ports can
handle loads. Ensure load configurations are: