AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Appoint preparers as certifying officials to complete the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods
Certification. This authorization must include the scope of the individual's authority and qualified training
according to attachment 25. Document the authorization in writing, electronically, or other auditable method.
1.2.8. Contracting Officers. Ensure all DoD contracts and purchase requests for hazardous materials include the
provisions of the supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Paragraph 52.228-7007 (Safety,
Ammunition, and Explosives). Contractors get copies of specifications, standards, and publications from the
procuring agency or as directed by the contracting officer.
1.2.9. Air terminal or base operations personnel. Notify the aircraft commander (or designated representative),
in writing, of all hazardous materials aboard the aircraft. The activity responsible for delivering the cargo to the
aircraft provides this notification in the absence of an established air terminal or base operation. The briefing
agency must meet the requirements of attachment 21.
1.3. Hazardous Material Training Requirements. Commanders assign hazardous material workers and ensure
each successfully completes relevant training. Train hazardous material workers according to attachment 25.
Training for all levels of hazardous material workers who may effect the safety of hazardous materials in
transportation, as a minimum, must address the following areas:
Hazardous material general awareness and familiarization.
Safety procedures to include emergency response.
Function specific responsibilities directly relevant to the individual's role in hazardous material
H1.4. Special Assignment Airlift Missions (SAAM). Process SAAM requests, cargo clearance, and appropriate
confirmations according to DoD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation, Part 1. Unless specifically
exempted under the provisions of paragraph 2.3, properly prepare, package, mark, label, and document all hazardous
materials transported by SAAM aircraft according to this manual. Do not automatically apply the provisions of
Chapter 3 for use of SAAM aircraft. Refer to paragraph 3.2 for validation and use of SAAMs for tactical,
contingency, or emergency operations.
1.5. Transportability Design Criteria. Configure hazardous materials (items and articles) to ensure
transportability on military aircraft. Items in their shipping configuration and skidded or wheeled equipment must
meet the transportability design criteria identified in MIL-STD-1791, Designing for Internal Aerial Delivery in
Fixed Wing Aircraft.
1.6. General Packaging Requirements. Package hazardous materials in containers authorized by this manual,
Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 173, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Technical Instructions, or the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulation.
Attachment 3 applies to all military air shipments. See paragraph A17.1.2 for certification instructions.
H1.7. United Nations (UN) Performance Specification Packaging. Prepare hazardous materials in UN
specification containers unless exempted by a specific packaging paragraph in this manual. DoD activities use the
DoD POP Program to locate tested and authorized DoD packaging configurations. If the hazardous material is
procured in a manufacturers UN specification container, use that container. Ensure compliance with all other
requirements of this manual, including air-eligibility. If the managing activity has specified a container Special
Packaging Instruction (SPI), use that UN specification container. Frustrate hazardous cargo not correctly packaged
and marked to UN specification requirements. For additional information concerning UN specification packaging or
performance test requirements see DLAD 4145.41/AR 700-143/AFJI 24-210/NAVSUPINST 4030.55/MCO
4030.40A, Packaging of Hazardous Material. Service focal points are unable to waive UN specification
1.7.1. Exempt Items. The following materials are exempt from UN performance specification packaging test
requirements. The packaging paragraph from table A4.1 will specify required packaging.
Compressed gas cylinders
Radioactive material
Dry ice
Magnetized material