AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
redistributed on arrival at destination. If required, apply these provisions to redeployment of troops upon mission
completion. The following requirements apply when basic combat load or individual issue of hazardous materials are
carried under the provisions of this paragraph:
Personnel must not handle explosives and other hazardous materials during flight operations.
Ensure all individual hazardous materials are safe from accidental initiation (i.e., grenades in fiber
containers, safety pins secured, etc.).
Ensure all small arms ammunition remain in the individual carrier (for example, bandoleers, ammunition
belts, pouches), and all weapons remain clear until the aircraft has landed.
Ensure all NBC equipment remain in the individual carrier (for example, protective mask bag, mobility
bag), and accompany the individual at all times. First aid kit components must remain within individual
kit carriers or pouches.
Prepare all hazardous material other than small arms ammunition, nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC)
equipment, and first aid kits for shipment according to this manual, consolidate in one central location on
the aircraft as directed by the loadmaster, and distribute to personnel before landing.
Lithium batteries installed in electronic equipment battery box or compartment require no additional
packaging. Individuals may handcarry (pockets, rucksack, backpacks, etc.) the minimum number of spare
lithium batteries required to sustain the immediate operation (as determined by the troop commander).
Pack handcarried lithium batteries in original wrapping or in nonconductive material to prevent external
short-circuiting. Prepare equipment containing lithium batteries, not considered individual issue or basic
combat, according to A13.8.
The troop commander or team chief must brief the aircraft commander or designated representative (i.e.
loadmaster) on the location of all hazardous materials.
A Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods is not required.
See Attachment 23 for use of contract air carriers operating under DOT-E 9232.
3.5. Passenger Eligibility. Personnel moving under the authority of this chapter are participants in the tactical,
contingency, or emergency operation and not considered passengers. Passenger deviation requirements do not
apply. This authority does not apply to medical evacuees or passengers. If passenger seats are released to
nonparticipants, the cargo must not be prepared using a provision authorized under the authority of this chapter and
the requirements of 2.2 apply.
H3.6. Load Configurations.
3.6.1. Compatibility for Chapter 3 Movements. Review operational plans and implement procedures to minimize
the exposure of personnel to hazards of the cargo when more than one aircraft is available. Separate incompatible
explosives and other hazardous materials (and personnel) to the maximum extent possible, as the mission allows.
Use attachment 18, paragraph A18.4 for incompatible hazardous materials transported on the same aircraft.
3.6.2. Complete Round Rigging (CRR). CRR (unassembled on airdrop platform) allows deploying units to airlift
normally incompatible items. CRR encompasses all items necessary for mission completion (i.e., primers,
propelling charges, projectiles, fuses, etc.). CRR will allow loss of one or more pallets without jeopardizing total
mission accomplishment.
Use CRR to meet operational requirements. Authorized for exercises only when there is an intent to fire
Use only CRR load configurations shown in TO 13C7/FM 10-500 series for low and high velocity
parachute airdrop. Remove hazardous material from required packaging only when specifically identified
in the TO/FM.
3.6.3. Meals Ready to Eat (MRE). Follow the requirements of paragraph 1.11 for stowing edible material
intended for human consumption on the same aircraft pallet as hazardous material. If required by operational
necessity, load MREs on the same 463L pallet with hazardous materials under the following conditions:
Do not load MREs or other edible material on the same pallet with any hazardous material liquid or
Class/division 2.3 gases.
Separate hazardous materials (except Class 1) from the MREs by the greatest distance possible, but not less
than 44 inches in all directions.
Do not load hazardous materials above the MREs.