T.O. 33B-1-1
protection providing at least 700 milligram per square centimeter thickness is used, the RSO must annotate
this fact on the dosimetry issue listing beside the individuals name so that the correct eye exposure can be
Storage of Monitoring Devices.
TLD badges and pocket dosimeters shall be stored in racks located in a low background radiation area, in an
environment free from excessive temperature and humidity. The TLD badges and pocket dosimeters shall be
returned to the rack at the end of each work period.
Recording Of Pocket Dosimeter Readings.
Pocket dosimeters SHALL be read and doses recorded daily in the utilization log. (For industrial radiography
operations conducted pursuant to 10 CFR 34, each record of these exposures shall be maintained for three
years after the record is made.) If an individuals pocket dosimeter is discharged beyond its range or a DAD/
PAD reads 100 mrem or above during a daily radiographic operation, his/her TLD (or film badge) shall be
immediately serviced.
Dose Reporting and Recording Procedures.
Dose Record Custodian.
Commanders must designate in writing an individual to serve as the dose record custodian to be responsible
for preparing and maintaining the records of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. This individual may
be the medical/health records custodian, RSO, or another individual who prepares the dosimetry report and
controls dosimeter issuance and recovery.
Automated Dosimetry Record (ADR), Army Only.
Completed forms will be maintained on file for a minimum of one year from the date of last entry. It provides
a complete occupational dose history for each occupationally exposed individual (upon written request from
the RSO), calendar year-to-date updates of radiation exposures (on a quarterly basis), and includes dose
records of whole-body and skin of the whole-body, head and neck, hands and forearms, feet and ankles, and
lens of the eye, as applicable. The RSO verifies that all ADR related information is contained in the ADR,
takes action to correct errors, signs and dates the ADR to certify the information as the occupationally-
exposed individuals official dose record. He also reviews and certifies each of the AIRDC updates and adds
them to each individuals dosimetry record. (Updates for previous quarters during that calendar year need
not be retained.)
Personnel Termination, Army Only.
Period and employment termination dose reports will be provided to occupationally exposed individuals in
accordance with AR 40-14.
Utilization Log.
Completion of the Industrial Radiography Utilization Log, AFTO Form 125 (see Figure 6-46) or equivalent, is
mandatory only when a suspected overexposure to any individual has taken place or when radiographic
inspections take place in an unshielded area. The following information shall be recorded:
kVp (For gamma radiography, identify the source and its activity rather than the kVp and mA)
Exposure time
A sketch of the radiographic setup containing the following identified:
Primary beam direction
X-ray tube or source position
Control console position
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