T.O. 33B-1-1
immediate processing, as directed. The occupational health physician in consultation with the RSO
will determine the need for medical treatment.
Read and record pocket dosimeter readings.
Determine and record exact position and duration of exposure.
Update the Industrial Utilization Log as needed. Make sure the detailed sketch of the area includes
the positions of personnel suspected of being overexposed. Record all other pertinent data about the
Obtain a signed statement from the exposed individual(s) of actions resulting in (or contributing to)
the exposure.
After completion of the above phase of the investigation and in the case of non-monitored personnel
being exposed, the following procedure can be used by the RSO or radiographers to quantify personnel
exposure. Re-establish the exact positions of all objects at the time of the accident. Place suitable
dosimetry devices at the position of the exposed individuals. Do not use survey meters, unless they
have an integrate mode or remote cameras are available to observe the instruments, since personnel
using them will be unnecessarily exposed to radiation. Expose the dosimeters, operating the gamma-
ray or X-ray apparatus at the same technique as occurred during the accident, with the time of the
exposure equal to the time personnel indicated they were present in the area or enclosure. If
personnel were moving within the enclosure during the accident exposure, the dosimeters shall be
placed at the position closest to the X-ray apparatus and at various points of his travel.
Air Force: A complete report of the incident shall be prepared by the Chief of the Nondestructive
Testing Laboratory with signed statements from all operators and personnel exposed indicating their
concurrence with the report. A copy of this report shall be provided to the Base Radiation Safety
Officer for review and filing in the industrial workplace case file, additionally, copies will be
forwarded to Air Force NDI Office, AFRL/MLS-OL, 4750 Staff Dr., Tinker AFB, OK 73145-3317; DSN
339-4931, and to AL/OEBD, 2402 E Drive, Brooks AFB TX 78235-5114.
Army: Upon return receipt of TLD results confirming personnel overexposures (or after validation of
exposure dose to non-monitored personnel) the RSO shall complete accident investigations as
specified in paragraph below and report the accident pursuant to 10 CFR 20, AR 385-40 and AR
40-14, as applicable.
Assure that a new control badge is obtained and designated as a replacement for the control badge
that was submitted for analysis.
(Army) External Potential Overexposure Criteria and Investigations.
Upon the detection of a potential overexposure, the following investigations shall be made (AR 40-10,
paragraph 4-10).
The US Army Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Center (AIRDC) promptly report to the RSO any dosimeter that
exceeds the applicable Level II values found in Table 6-23. AIRDC also reports the results from dosimeters
which indicate exposure exceeding criteria found in Table 6-24 to the RSO, to the Office of the Surgeon
General, and to Headquarters, Army Materiel Command.
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