T.O. 33B-1-1
Personnel Monitoring Requirements.
A monthly wearing period shall be implemented for thermoluminescent
dosimeters issued to minors and to pregnant women.
Criteria requiring individual dosimetry are defined in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulation, Parts 20 and 34,
for the Air Force in AFI 48-125, and for the Army in AR 40-14 and the supporting DA Pam. Use of personnel
monitoring devices is mandatory for each individual who may be exposed to ionizing radiation during the
normal course of their duties or occupation according to the following criteria:
a. Occupationally exposed adults who may reasonably be expected to receive an annual
dose in excess of 500 mrem (5 mSv).
b. Occupationally exposed adults entering any high or very high radiation area (regard-
less of the anticipated magnitude of exposure).
c. Radiographers and Radiographers Assistants, at all times during radiographic opera-
tions, shall wear a minimum of one pocket dosimeter and/or one personal alarming
dosimeter, and one TLD badge except that for permanent radiography facilities where
other appropriate alarming or warning devices are in routine use, the wearing of an
alarming rate-meter is not required (10 CFR 34.33). As used here radiographer
includes radiographers assistant but specifically excludes occasionally exposed per-
sonnel with ancillary duties outside of radiation restricted areas. Notwithstanding
the above, pocket dosimeters and personal alarming dosimeters shall not be required
for X-radiation operations conducted solely within shielded installations.
d. Declared pregnant women who may be expected to receive a radiation dose exceeding
50 mrem (500 mSv) to the whole body/fetus for the entire period of pregnancy.
e. All minors who may reasonably be expected to receive an annual radiation dose in
excess of 50 mrem (500 mSv) total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to the whole body.
f. Other individuals as necessary for the effective management of the ALARA program,
such as radiation safety monitors supporting unshielded radiography operations who
do not otherwise require dosimetry devices, will be provided with dosimetry devices to
include TLDs if their radiation dose would reasonably be expected to exceed the
general public exposure limit of 100 mrem (1 mSV) TEDE per year.
g. Individuals not meeting any of the criteria contained herein should not be enrolled in
or be needlessly continued in the dosimetry program except on a case by case basis. If
in doubt RSOs should enroll individuals in the dosimetry program for a limited
duration and base continued use of dosimetry on actual exposures received.
Wear Of Whole-Body Dosimeters.
Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) badge used to provide a permanent record of the cumulative exposure to
the whole body must be worn on the trunk (below the shoulders and above the hips) outside of clothing on the
portion or area of the body nearest the radiation source. The dosimeter window must face out from the body.
Wearing Additional Dosimeters.
If exposure to the eyes, extremities, or skin is likely to be significantly different from whole body exposure,
additional TLDs (collar, wrist, ring etc.) must be worn to document the actual exposure received by these
areas. (Note: If eye
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