T.O. 33B-1-1
Suspected Overexposure of Ionizing Radiation.
Operational Definition.
Pocket dosimeters determined to go off-scale or drift prior to the first actual
X-ray production of the day or shift shall be considered defective and shall not
be treated as off-scale pocket dosimeters. They shall be withdrawn from use
and turned in to the servicing TMDE or PMEL calibration facility for
Air Force: Whenever both of an individuals direct reading pocket dosimeters read off scale or the
digital alarm dosimeter registers 100 mR or more.
Army: Whenever a pocket dosimeter or personnel alarm dosimeter indicates an exposure which
exceeds defined exposure action limits specified in AR 40-14 or local ALARA exposure guidelines.
Any time the radiography supervisor, regardless of dosimeter readings, believes that an overexposure
has occurred either to another radiographer or to any person(s) not directly involved in the
radiographic operation.
Suspected-Overexposure Actions (Pending Processing of TLDs).
If the Radiation Safety Officer cannot be notified, contact the MAJCOM
Radiation Control Officer and the US Army Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry
Center (AIRDC) immediately by telephone, and promptly send the TLD
badge(s) of all affected individuals, together with the appropriate control
badge, by the most expeditious means to the AIRDC, ATTN: AMXTM-SRD,
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5400. (TLDs suspected of having received a
potential overexposure must be annotated as such, in writing, when they are
shipped to the AIRDC for processing.)
In those instances where the base Bioenvironmental Engineering services
cannot be notified or is not locally available, the control TLD and the TLD of
the suspected overexposed individual should be sent via AIR MAIL from
overseas or FIRST CLASS from CONUS to:
2402 E Drive
Brooks AFB TX 78235-5114
DSN 240-3486
If an overexposure is suspected, an emergency situation SHALL be considered to exist. The following actions
shall be taken (Army: Consult 10 CFR 20, AR 385-40, AR 40-14 and applicable supplements):
Immediately cease all radiography operations and report the incident to the unit commander (Army)
or the immediate supervisor (Air Force).
Obtain the name, social security number and organization of all personnel suspected of overexposure.
Notify the Radiation Safety Officer or Bioenvironmental Engineering Services of the suspected
overexposure. Prepare to turn in the affected individuals TLD badge and the control badge for
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