T.O. 33B-1-1
Table 6-24. Dosimeter Results That Require Notification of OTSG (Extract of Table 4-l, DA Pam 40-18)
Quarterly Monitoring
Monthly Monitoring
Whole body
Lens of the eye
*As used above, other includes dose to the skin or to any extremity or to any individual
organ or tissue other than lens of the eye
For dosimeters used for industrial X-ray operations which were potentially overexposed at a rate exceeding limits in
Table 6-24, the RSO shall:
a. Conduct an investigation.
b. Determine the cause, time frame, and circumstances surrounding the apparent potential overexposure.
c. Take or recommend to the commander corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the situation.
d. Determine whether or not the dosimeter was actually worn by the occupationally exposed individuals
during the dosimeter wear period.
e. Report the overexposure in accordance with l0 CFR 20 and AR 385-40 (as applicable) if it was
determined that the badge was actually worn.
f. Fully document the investigation and maintain investigation records as a permanent file per AR 25-
400-2. Copies of the final investigation report including any to the individual also are provided to the
individual concerned and to the individual's medical records custodian for inclusion in the individual's
health or medical records. The written investigation report shall contain:
A copy of the affected occupationally exposed individuals ADR covering the previous 12
months, if available.
Result of any bio. essays and medical examinations.
Statements from supervisors or other knowledgeable personnel.
A statement from the affected occupationally-exposed individual stating, "To the best of my
knowledge and belief I (did) (did not) receive this dose
Procedures describing corrective actions.
g. Review the ALARA program to reduce the likelihood of recurrence and minimize future radiation
h. Remove overexposed individuals from duties that could lead to additional radiation exposures pending
completion of the overdose investigation.