Figure 11. F-104B Escape System, schematic diagram.
operation of the catapult and leg-
severed, a mechanical tripper
positioning cable cutters.
ignites an M32 initiator (15)
(g) As part of the complete system, a
After the delay, gas
separate M27 initiator (20) is
pressure from the initiator is
provided so that the canopy can be
supplied through the manifold (12)
unlocked and jettisoned, without
to the cable cutters (13). Gas from
initiating the seat-ejection system.
the M32 initiator (15) is also
This initiator may be actuated by
supplied to an M28 initiator (16)
the pilot (21) or from outside the
which acts as a booster and
aircraft (22).
supplies gas to operate the pilot's
(h) The F104D aircraft is a two-seat
MA-6 lap belt release (17) and a
aircraft with two independent
The gas
escape systems. Each system is
identical to that described above
actuator (19) which separates the
with one exception.
As in the
pilot from the seat.
single-seat aircraft, the external
(f) To summarize, the pilot pulls a dee
canopy jettison ring (22) is
ring and the canopy is unlocked and
connected to an M27 initiator (20) in
ejected, his legs positioned, the seat
the front seat to remove the front
ejected, his legs freed, the lap belt
canopy; however, the ring also is
opened, and he is separated from
connected to an M45 delay initiator,
the seat, all in the proper sequence,
which delays 3 seconds and
and with parallel systems to insure
removes the aft canopy.