the valve forward and actuates four
The delay avoids any possibility of
exploding bolts A (11 and 12), a
the forward canopy striking the rear
0.5-second delay initiator (13), and
canopy as may occur should they
the rocket motor (14). The four
be jettisoned simultaneously.
exploding bolts are the only
(2) Capsule escape systems.
structural connections between the
(a) An escape system should allow the
nose capsule and the rest of the
crewmen to separate safely from
airframe. If for some reason the
the aircraft throughout the aircraft's
valving system (10) does not
altitude and speed range, and to
operate satisfactorily, a 1-second
descend, with the necessary
delay initiator (15), previously
survival equipment, to the earth's
actuated by the dual initiators (2
surface in a physical condition
and 3), will fire the rocket motor,
permitting him to survive and, if
structural disconnects (exploding
necessary, evade or escape enemy
bolts), and a 0.5-second delay
forces. The ejection-seat escape
initiator (16).
The rocket motor
system is effective in the region
thrust insures separation and
below 600 knots IAS (indicated air
sufficient trajectory for parachute
Beyond 600 knots, the
deployment, even in "off the
ejection-seat escape system rapidly
(d) The purpose of the two 0.5-second
decreases. The Air Research and
delay initiators (13 and 16) is to
Development Command requires
postpone arming the parachute
that escape capsules with protective
launching sensor (17) action until
and survival devices be used in all
the rocket has propelled the capsule
new aircraft with speeds exceeding
to maximum speed. If the capsule
600 knots EAS (equivalent air
has not exceeded the safe
speed) † and operational altitudes
parachute launching speed at that
exceeding 50,000 feet.
time, the pilot chute ejector (19) is
(b) Figure 12
shows a
nose capsule
fired, pulling the high and low speed
design based on the configuration of
drogue chutes (19) out into the
an F104 type aircraft. The ejectable
The drogue chutes
nose capsule is stabilized by three
extract the heavy main parachute
swept-back, thick-wedge airfoils.
box and the main parachute is
(c) The complete escape system (fig.
deployed. At initial deployment, the
13) is
set into operation by a
main parachute is reefed so that its
operation of the pilot, the raising of
opening shock will not be too great.
his seat handle or handles (1). This
After suspension line stretch, cutting
action starts a dual initiation system
of the reefing line allows full
for all units which absolutely must
parachute deployment. If the pilot
work for a successful escape.
senses a failure of the parachute
Either or both initiators (2 and 3) fire
launching system, he can fire a
second ejector cartridge manually
gas pressure to actuate the pilot's
(20). This is the end of the dual
body and foot restraint systems (5).
initiation sequence.
The gas generator also supplies
(e) The remaining phases which
pressure to extend the stabilizing
enhance safe escape, but are not,
wedges (6, 7, and 8).
absolutely necessary, are actuated
movement of the upper wedge
from single sources. At the time the
unlocks the capsule air vent (9). As
capsule starts away from the parent
soon as the top wedge (6) and
aircraft, a lanyard from the aircraft
either of the lower wedges (7 or 8)
pulls on a valve (21) in the capsule
are fully extended, they remove
allowing pressure remaining in the
stops in a valve (10). Gas from the
† Equivalent air speed is the Indicated air speed corrected for compressibility. Though the difference between IAS and EAS is
negligible at low speeds and low altitudes, impact pressure upon the pitot tube at high speeds increases, causing the airspeed
indicator to show values above normal.