Figure 10. Electric ignition element.
(c) Concurrently, a second M27 initiator
personnel from fighter aircraft. In
these systems, two separate
(6), actuated by pulling the dee ring
operations were required, and
(1), supplies gas pressure to initiate
mechanical interlock ensured the
an M15 thruster (7). This retracting
order of actuation. As the operation
type thruster positions the pilot's
of aircraft became more complex,
legs by tightening cables attached
escape systems were expanded to
to the pilot's ankles; as the piston of
include pre-ejection operations,
the thruster retracts, it actuates an
such as stowing the control column
M27 initiator (8), supplying gas
or positioning the seat, thus freeing
pressure to initiate the XM10
the pilot from these operations. The
catapult (9) which ejects the pilot
development of escape systems for
from the aircraft.
bomber aircraft necessitated that
(d) The third initiator actuated by
initiation be possible from several
pulling the dee ring (1) is an M32
points, provision be made for the
delay initiator (10) which supplies
escape of many crewmen and for
gas to fire the XM10 catapult (9)
the stowage of equipment, crewmen
after a 1-second delay.
be oriented with respect to the
escape exit, and delays or pauses
of the M27 initiator actuated by the
be part of the escape sequence.
leg-positioning thruster to fire the
(b) A schematic of an escape system
used in the F104B aircraft is
(e) The fourth initiator actuated by the
original pull on the dee ring is an
dee ring (1) is pulled, three cables
M30 delay initiator (11) which
attached to it are pulled actuating
contains a 2-second delay element.
four initiators. One M27 initiator (2)
After the delay element burns, the
supplies gas pressure to fire the
propellant charge in the initiator is
XM13 thruster (3).
The XM13
ignited and supplies gas pressure
thruster unlocks the aircraft canopy
through the manifold (12) to cable
and also twists a torque tube which
cutters (13), which release the
actuates an M27 initiator (4). This
pilot's legs.
To insure that the
miniature initiator supplies gas
cables retaining the pilot's legs are
pressure to fire two XM11 thrusters
(5) which jettison the aircraft