TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
4. (Cont)
f. (Cont)
If meter does not indicate more than
100,000 ohms with wire removed
from TB8-F-1, set multimeter to
dc volts and connect positive lead
to S5, terminal 4 (yellow wire), and
negative lead to chassis.
m. If meter indicates 0 volts, replace status
processor interconnecting wiring sub-
assembly (SPIWS).
(1) To remove status processor intercon-
necting wiring subassembly
(SPIWS) turn off switch S1 on
power supply. Tag and disconnect
Data Transmitter wires from TB6
and TB7. Remove screws that se-
cure Transmitter to standoffs in
CU. Be careful not to drop Trans-
mitter inside CU. Remove Data
Transmitter. Loosen screws that
secure plug PI to bottom of status
processor. Pull plug P1 straight down
to disconnect it. Remove screws that
secure status processor to top of
CU enclosure and it will drop
straight down.
(2) To install new status processor inter-
connecting wiring subassembly
(SPIWS), position it under stand-
offs in top of CU. Insert screws
and tighten to secure status pro-
cessor. Insert plug P1 into con-
nector on bottom of processor
and push up. Tighten screws to
secure plug P1. Position Data
Transmitter over standoffs in CU
and insert screws. Tighten screws
to secure Transmitter. Connect
wires to TB6 and TB7 in CU.
If meter indicates 19 ±2 vdc, connect posi-
tive lead to S5 orange wire, center
terminal, terminal 5.