TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
4. (Cont)
g. (Cont)
(2) To install new mode switch, use a
soldering iron of 50 watts maxi-
mum to connect wires to switch
terminals. Slip mounting bracket
and switch stop over switch shaft.
Ensure that notch in mounting
bracket fits over tab on switch
body, and that the tang on switch
stop engages notch in mounting
bracket. Secure bracket and stop to
switch with lock washer and small
hex nut. Insert lock through hole in
CU door, slip spacer over lock. Slip
switch arm over switch shaft. En-
sure that arm is aligned with tang
on switch stop. Place large hex
nut inside switch mounting brac-
ket, and slip bracket over lock.
Engage switch shaft in lock.
Tighten nut to secure switch.
(3) Turn on switch S1 on power supply.
SYNC switch S2. Wait about
5 minutes for system to stabi-
lize. During 5-minute stabili-
zation period, check power sup-
ply. Set multimeter to dc volts
and connect negative lead to
chassis (ground). Connect posi-
tive lead to power supply,
TB2-3. Meter should indicate
20 ± 1 vdc. Connect positive lead
to TB2-5. Meter should indicate
5 ± 0.25 vdc. Connect lead to
TB2-2. Meter should indicate
28 ± 2 vdc. Turn mode switch
to TEST/RESET and then to