TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - ContinuedTroubleProbable causeCorrective action4. (Cont)e. (Cont)Al through A6 and A9 and A10. Setmultimeter to ohms and connect leadsto following points:J9-9 to J12/P1 pin 27, J12/P1 pin27 to S3 terminal 1-4, S3 termi-nals 1-2 and 1-3 to J12/P1 pin6, J12/Pl pin 6 to J2 throughJ6 pin 8, J9-8 to J1-8, J10-6to J1-8, J1 through J6 pin 10to J12/P1 pin 36, J12/P1 pin36 to power supply TB2-3.Meter should indicate 0 ohms.j.If meter does not indicate 0 ohms at anypoint, inspect for broken or looseconnections. Resolder any bad con-nections.k.Turn on switch S1 on power supply. De-press TRANSMITTER RESYNC switchS2. Wait about 5 minutes for system tostabilize. Turn mode switch to TEST/RESET and then to SECURE.f. Bad LATCH/a.Turn mode switch S3 to SECURE and en-NON-LATCHsure that no alarms are activated. Setswitch orLATCH/NON-LATCH switch to NON-circuitry.LATCH. Set multimeter to ohms andconnect leads to TB6, terminals S1-Dand S1-DR. Meter should indicateless than 2,000 ohms.b.Disconnect and then reconnect wire onTB8-F-1. Meter should indicate morethan 100,000 ohms and then return toless than 2,000 ohms 10 +2 secondsafter wire is reconnected.c.If meter does not indicate more than100,000 ohms with wire disconnectedfrom TB8-F-1, set meter to dc volts,connect positive lead to LATCH/NON-LATCH switch S5, terminal 8(gray wire), and negative lead to chas-sis.5-69
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