TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
If meter indicates 0 ohms in step i. above,
remove PC boards Al through A6.
(1) To remove PC boards Al through
A6, place thumb or finger under
board ejector and lift up until board
pops out of receptacle at back of
status processor. Then grasp PC
board and pull straight out.
(2) Check for continuity by connecting
meter leads to the following points:
J12-3 to J1-4
J12-4 to J1-12
J12-5 to J2-4
J12-7 to J2-12
J12-8 to J3-4
J12-9 to J3-12
J12-10 to J4-4
J12-11 to J4-12
J12-12 to J5-4
J12-13 to J5-12
J12-14 to J6-4
J12-15 to J6-12
(3) To reinstall PC boards Al through
A6, note that these boards are identi-
cal and may be installed in any slot,
1 through 6. Turn PC board so that
plastic board ejector is toward top.
Align board with guides at top and
bottom of status processor. Slide
board straight in until it contacts re-
ceptacle at back of processor. Then
press firmly on board until it seats
completely in receptacle.
If meter indicates more than 0 ohms re-
place Status Processor Interconnecting
Wiring Subassembly (SPWS).
(1) To remove status processor, turn off
switch S1 on power supply. Tag and
disconnect Data Transmitter wires
from TB6 and TB7. Remove screws
that secure Transmitter to standoffs