TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
P1-12 to TB12-D-1
P1-12 to TB12-D-2
P1-12 to TB12-D-3
P1-13 to TB12-D-1
P1-13 to TB12-D-2
P1-13 to TB12-D-3
P1-14 to TB13-E-1
P1-14 to TB13-E-2
P1-14 to TB13-E-3
P1-15 to TB13-E-1
P1-15 to TB13-E-2
P1-15 to TB13-E-3
If meter indicates more than 0 ohms, in-
spect wiring from P1 to TB8 & TB2. If
wiring is bad, repair or replace. If wiring
is good replace P1.
To remove P1, remove screws and
locking devices from ends of con-
nector. Remove screws that secure
junction shell to cable, and slide
shell along cable to expose pins on
back of P1. Tag wires. Slide heat-
shrink tubing on each wire away
from connector pin. Use a solder-
ing iron of 50 watts maximum and
carefully unsolder wires from pins.
To install new P1, check heat-shrink
tubing on each wire in cable and re-
place if necessary. Work from the
center outward with a soldering iron
of 50 watts maximum. Carefully
solder wires to pins on back of con-
nector. Slide heat-shrink tubing
down over each pin after soldering
Slide junction shell along cable to
cover connector P1. Slip locking
devices over ends of shell/connector.
Insert and tighten screws that secure
shell to cable. Align P1 with J12 on
status processor and press P1 into
J12. Insert screws and tighten to
secure. Turn on switch S1 on top
of power supply.