TM 5-3740-218-13&P
When application rate is correct, or if EMPTY indicator lights, set SYSTEM switch to OFF, POWER
switch to OFF, and key on engine to OFF.
ULV System Operational Test. This test consists of verifying PDU function and final adjustment of application
Personnel handling solid or liquid pesticides shall use appropriate personal protective
equipment consisting of respirators, coveralls, rubber gloves, goggles, etc., as required
by type of pesticide used and in accordance with manufacturer's label directions. Avoid
direct contact with pesticide. Observe all warnings on label. Handle pesticide in well-
ventilated area. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
(1) Fill bucket assembly with pesticide. Use sight gages on side of tank.
(2) Connect hand control assembly to wiring harness.
(3) On hand control, make sure SYSTEM switch is set to OFF and POWER switch is ON. Make sure gate valve
is open.
(4) Disconnect pesticide hose (1, figure 2-11) on both ends at adjuster fittings.
Figure 2-11. ULV System Operational Test