AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
temperatures changes during transport. Leave a minimum ullage of 2%. Ensure the primary packaging
(which may include composite packaging), for which retention of the liquid is a basic function is capable
of withstanding without leakage, an internal pressure that produces a pressure differential of not less then
75 kPa (11 psi) or a pressure related to the vapor pressure of the liquid to be conveyed, whichever is the
greater (see also A3.1.2).
Secure stoppers, corks, or other such friction-type closures tightly and effectively in place by positive
means. The design of the closure device should prevent incorrect or incomplete closure. Check to ensure
the closure is completely and securely closed.
HA13.5. Motor Vehicles and Self-Propelled Units. The following requirements apply:
Use service technical manuals to prepare items for shipment.
Protect installed batteries to prevent short circuit and secure so that battery fluid will not leak. To secure
the battery from short circuit, completely protect the terminal posts from contact (i.e., tape, rubber boots,
etc.). When prepared in this manner, it is not required to disconnect the battery or remove it from the
Securely fasten original installed equipment in properly configured and approved holders. Do not remove
other hazardous materials from their packaging and store in the racks or containers of vehicles or
equipment unless authorized by paragraph A5.4.
Prepare the item to protect against leakage of fuel during loading, unloading, and transport. Drain and cap
units if the unit is susceptible to fuel spills or leakage (see also attachment 28). Unless otherwise stated,
purging is not required.
Provide calibrated dip stick with any vehicle or engine powered support equipment without an operational
fuel gauge if fuel level cannot be otherwise determined. If positive means is not available to accurately
determine fuel level, drain or siphon the tank. The tank may be refilled to appropriate level (see paragraph
1.8) in the presence of an inspector.
Drain fuel tanks of palletized units. Units palletized due to the aircrafts subfloor requirements may contain
fuel in tank.
Air-bag modules installed as a vehicle component are not subject to any other requirements of this manual.
When fuel in tank is authorized below, ship only the minimum quantity consistent with operational
requirements (see paragraph 1.8). The following fuel in tank requirements apply:
A13.5.1. Vehicles and self-propelled units may contain fuel in tank not to exceed one-half tank full. Ensure tanks
are securely closed.
A13.5.2. Vehicles and self-propelled units may contain fuel in tank not to exceed three-fourths tank full when
transported under the authority of paragraph 3.7. Ensure tanks are securely closed.
Do not exceed one-half tank full for units loaded on the aircraft cargo ramp and units loaded aboard aircraft
with a steep angle of ascent (i.e.,KC-10, KC-135).
Position units loaded on an aircraft cargo ramp with the fuel tank openings located on the high side of the
A13.5.3. Liquefied petroleum gas or compressed gas powered vehicles must have the gaseous fuel completely
emptied from any non-DOT specification pressurized vessel (fuel tank), lines, and regulator. Ensure tanks are
securely closed. Purging is not required.
A13.5.4. Liquefied petroleum gas or compressed gas powered vehicles containing a DOT specification cylinder as
the gaseous fuel tank do not requiring draining. Comply with all requirements of Attachment 6 for the material and
cylinder specification. Tightly close and secure cylinder shut off valve. Lines and regulator must be completely
emptied of flammable gas and vapors.
A13.5.5. Boats and watercraft that are loaded on trailers or palletized must be drained to the greatest extent
possible. Units prepared for airdrop and shipped under the authority of paragraph 3.7, may contain fuel in tank not
to exceed three-quarters tank full.
A13.5.6. Prepare aircraft and helicopters for transportation according to the requirements of the respective aircraft's
shipping manual.
Remove all munitions and explosives, other than those installed as permanent-type aircraft equipment,
according to the pertinent aircraft technical order and A5.3.