AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
conditioning units on, a "Normal" flow setting on the flow control valve, and the "Intermediate" setting on
the alternative air valve.
During non-pressurized flight up to 3048 m (10,000 feet), a safe load is 2948 kg (6500 pounds.) The
auxiliary vent valve must be open for this condition.
During ground operations with one auxiliary power unit (air turbine motor at idle), a safe operating load is
1338 kg (2950 pounds). The auxiliary vent valve must be open for this condition.
A13.9.3.5. KC-10 Aircraft. Dry ice may be carried in the KC-10 cargo compartment under the following aircraft
operating conditions:
No environmental curtain (27 pallet all-cargo configuration.) A safe load of dry ice is 1041 kg (2,295
pounds) with "both" air conditioning packs operating. This weight is reduced to 567.5 kg (1,251 pounds)
when "one" air conditioning pack is operating. If "one" air conditioning pack is lost in flight, then
accomplish emergency procedures for cabin. Turn Cargo Smoke Light on per KC-10 flight manual T.O.
1C-10(K)A-1, Section II. Include "Smoke Source is not Accessible" portion of procedure except do not put
cabin pressure control in manual and do not depressurize cabin.
Environmental curtain at station 615: A safe load of dry ice is 808 kg (1,782 pounds) with "both" air
conditioning packs operating. This weight is reduced to 439.5 kg (969 pounds) when "one" air
conditioning pack is operating.
Environmental curtain at station 879: a safe load of dry ice is 546 kg (1,204 pounds) with "both" air
conditioning packs operating. This weight is reduced to 296 kg (653 pounds) when "one" air conditioning
pack is operating.
Environmental curtain at station 615 or 879: If "one" air conditioning pack is lost in flight, then
accomplish emergency procedures for cabin, turn cargo smoke light on, mixed passenger and cargo
configuration per KC-10 flight manual T.O 1C-10(k) A-1, section II, except do not initiate firefighting
During cargo loading, the following procedures apply to minimize carbon dioxide concentration:
Ensure APU is running and "both" air conditioning packs are operating.
Open number 4 passenger service door for additional ventilation.
Open all air inlets in the aerial refueling operators station and close aerial refueling operators hatch.
Ensure environmental curtain is closed before flight.
A13.9.3.6. AMC Contract Aircraft. Do not transport more than 200 kg (440 lbs) of dry ice in a cargo
compartment of AMC contract aircraft without prior approval from HQ AMC/DONC.
A13.9.4. Packaging Requirements. Wrap in Kraft paper, secure with tape, and pack in fiberboard boxes,
polystyrene foam containers or other suitable packaging designed and constructed to permit the release of carbon
dioxide gas and to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packaging. UN specification packaging is
not required. Packagings must meet the general requirements of A3.1.
HA13.10. Magnetized Material.
A13.10.1. Handling Instructions. Do not store magnetic materials suitable for military airlift closer than 4.6 m (15
feet) to compass sensing devices or other devices unduly affected by magnetic fields.
A13.10.2. Packaging Requirements. Shield magnetic materials (MIL-S-4473) when required to reduce magnetic
field strength to not greater than 5.25 milligauss or two degrees deviation of a magnetic compass at a distance of 15
feet (4.6 m). Ensure that meters used to measure the magnetic field are properly operational, and whenever possible,
that the item be measured by two different devices. Provide blocking and bracing as required. Additional
packaging details are included in TO 00-25-251. Package magnetic tubes individually in compliance with MIL-E-
75. Package magnetically susceptible items to make sure that the distance between the magnetic surface and outside
of the innermost container is no less than the protective distance required, and in no instance less than 102 mm (4
inches). UN specification packaging is not required. Magnetic material that has a magnetic field strength greater
than 0.00525 gauss at 4.6m (15 feet) is forbidden for air movement.
HA13.11. Life-Saving Appliances. Life-saving appliances, self-inflating or nonself-inflating, include (but are not
limited to) life raft kits, life vest kits, survival kit assemblies, ejection seats, non-ejection seats, and parachutes that
contain small quantities of hazardous material that are required as part of the survival equipment. Kit contents may
include, but are not limited to, flammable items (fire starter and matches), ammunition items (cartridges and shells),
pyrotechnics (signal flares), and nonflammable compressed gas cylinders (carbon dioxide and breathing oxygen).