AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A13.4.1. Inner Receptacle Requirements.
Limit Class 2 substances to aerosol products containing non-toxic solutions and compressed gases packed
in inner non-refillable non-metal receptacles not exceeding 120 ml (4 Fl. oz) capacity each, or in inner non-
refillable metal receptacles not exceeding 820 ml (28 Fl. oz) capacity each. Flammable aerosols must not
exceed 500 ml (17 Fl. oz) capacity each). The following provisions apply to all aerosols under this
The pressure in the aerosol must not exceed 1,500 kPa at 55oC (217 psi at 130oF) and each receptacle
must be capable of withstanding without bursting a pressure of at least 1.5 times the equilibrium
pressure of the contents at 55oC (130oF);
If the pressure in the aerosol exceeds 970 kPa at 55oC (160 psi at 130o F) but does not exceed 1105 kPa
at 55oC (160 psi at 130oF), use an inner metal IP7, IP7A, or IP7B receptacle.
If the pressure in the aerosol exceeds 1,105 kPa at 55oC (160 psi at 130oF) but does not exceed 1245
kPA at 55
oC (180 psi at 130oF), use an inner metal IP7A or IP7B receptacle.
If the pressure in the aerosol exceeds 1,245 kPa at 55oC (180 psi at 130oF), use an inner metal IP7B
receptacle. IP.7B metal receptacles having a minimum burst pressure of 1,800 kPa may be equipped
with an inner capsule charged with a non-flammable, non-toxic compressed gas to provide the
propellant function. In this case, the pressures indicated above do not apply to the pressure within the
capsule. The quantity of gas contained in the capsule must be so limited that the minimum burst
pressure of the receptacle would not be exceeded if the entire gas content of the capsule were released
into an aerosol.
The liquid content must not completely fill the closed receptacle at 55oC (130oF).
Each aerosol exceeding 120 ml (4 Fl. oz) capacity must have been heated until the pressure in the
aerosol is equivalent to the equilibrium pressure of the contents at 55oC (130oF) without evidence of
leakage, distortion or other defect.
Protect the valves by a cap or other suitable means during transport.
For aerosols containing a biological or medical preparation that will be deteriorated by a heat test and
which are non-toxic and non-flammable, packed in inner non-refillable receptacles not exceeding 575 ml
(19.4 Fl. oz) capacity each, the following provisions apply:
The pressure in the aerosol must not exceed 970 kPa at 55o C (140.7 psi at 130oF).
The liquid contents must not completely fill the closed receptacle at 55o C (130oF).
One aerosol out of each lot of 500 or less, must be heated until the pressure in the aerosol is equivalent
to the equilibrium pressure of the contents at 55o C (130oF) without evidence of leakage, distortion or
other defect.
Protect the valves by a cap or other suitable means during transport.
The following apply to Class 3 and Division 6.1 substances:
Inner packagings of Class 3 substances must not exceed 500 ml (17 Fl. oz).
Inner packagings of Division 6.1 substances must not exceed 500 ml (17 Fl. oz) for liquids and 500 g
(18 oz) for solids.
A13.4.2. Packaging Requirements. Inner packagings must meet the requirements of A13.4.1. Tightly pack inner
packagings in strong outer packagings. UN specification packaging is not required. Each completed package as
prepared for shipment must not exceed a gross mass of 25 kg (55 lb).
To prevent leakage during air transport, design and construct each packaging for changes in altitude and
Packaging (including closures) in direct contact with dangerous goods must not contain substances that
may react dangerously with the contents, form hazardous products or weaken the receptacles.
Pack and cushion inner packagings that are breakable (such as earthenware, glass or brittle plastic) to
prevent any breakage, leakage or movement within the outer packaging during transport. Provide
absorbent material for glass or earthenware inner packagings in Class 2 or 3, or liquids of Division 6.1.
Include sufficient cushioning material to absorb the liquid contents of the largest inner packaging contained
in the outer package. Absorbent and cushioning material must not react dangerously with the contents of
the inner packagings. Notwithstanding the above, absorbent material may not be required if the inner
packagings are so protected that breakage and leakage of their contents from the outer packaging will not
occur. These completed packagings must be capable of withstanding a 1.2 m (4 ft) drop on solid concrete
in the position most likely to cause damage.
Leave sufficient ullage (outage) when filling receptacles for liquids to ensure that neither leakage nor
permanent distortion of the receptacle will occur as a result of an expansion of the liquid caused by