AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A6.6.3. Use DOT 39 cylinder. For flammable gases, the internal volume must not exceed 1.2 L (75 cubic inches).
Use aluminum cylinders for oxygen only under the following conditions:
Cylinder threads must be straight threads.
Valves must be made of brass or stainless steel.
Each cylinder must be cleaned to comply with the requirements of Federal Specification RR-C-901c,
paragraphs 3.7.2, 3.8.2, and
A6.6.4. Use DOT 3AL cylinder only for the following nonliquefied gases: air, argon, carbon monoxide, ethylene,
helium, mercury free hydrogen, krypton, methane, nitrogen, neon, oxygen, and xenon. Ship flammable gases in
3AL cylinders on cargo aircraft only. When used in oxygen service, the cylinders must comply with 49 CFR
A6.6.5. Ship carbon monoxide in a DOT-3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, 3AL, 3, 3E, or 3T cylinder having a minimum
service pressure of 12,411 kPa (1800 psig). The pressure in the cylinder must not exceed 6895 kPa at 21 degrees C
(1000 psig at 70 degrees F), except that if the gas is dry and sulfur free, the cylinder may be charged to five-sixths of
the cylinder service pressure of 13,790 kPa (2000 psig), whichever is the least.
A6.6.6. Use cylinders, DOT 3AX, 3AAX, or 3T only for the following nonliquefied gases: air, argon, boron
trifluoride, carbon monoxide, ethane, ethylene, helium, hydrogen, methane, neon, nitrogen, or oxygen, except that
specification 3T is not authorized for hydrogen. As used in this paragraph, methane is a nonliquefied gas which has
a minimum purity of 98.0 percent methane and which is commercially free of corroding components.
A6.6.7. For fluorine gas use only DOT 3A1000, 3AA1000, or 3BN400 cylinders without a safety relief device and
equipped with valve protection caps. Do not charge cylinders over 2758 kPa at 21 degrees C (400 psig at 70 degrees
F) and ensure contents do not exceed 2.7 kg (6 pounds) of gas.
A6.6.8. Pack recoil mechanisms or artillery gun mounts containing nitrogen charged to a maximum pressure of
15,858 kPa at 21 degrees C (2300 psig at 70 degrees F) in strong outer wooden containers. Ship recoil mechanisms
or artillery gun mounts containing nitrogen unpackaged when securely attached to the weapon system.
A6.6.9. Liquid argon, oxygen, or nitrogen samples under pressure, may be shipped in Cosmodyne Gas Samplers,
Models CS 4.4 and CS 2.0 or in TTU-131/E Sampler (MIL-S-27626). See applicable technical directive for
overpack instructions. Take samples in the liquid state but vaporize before shipment.
A6.6.10. Ship LAU-7/A launcher-receiver assemblies charged with nitrogen not over 1724 kPa (250 psig).
A6.6.11. Satellites, spacecraft, and other articles charged with nitrogen or dry air. These items may be transported
inside a protective shipping container with a nitrogen or air purge during flight. The compressed gas must be in
authorized cylinders and protected from damage during transport. The system must be equipped with a safety valve,
enabling the nitrogen flow to be immediately shut off in the event of a problem while on the aircraft. Transport
authorized on C-141, C-5, and C-17 aircraft only. The following limitations apply:
Nitrogen may be purged into the shipping container at a rate not to exceed five (5) cubic feet per hour.
Nitrogen may be purged into the shipping container at a rate not to exceed twenty (20) cubic feet per hour
during transport. A technical escort must, using a portable oxygen monitor, continuously check the
atmosphere inside the aircraft during flight. If the percentage of oxygen drops to 19.5% per volume, the
escort must notify the aircraft commander immediately and the nitrogen purge immediately discontinued.
All personnel will utilize supplemental oxygen until the percentage of oxygen exceeds 19.5% per volume.
Provide maximum airflow rate in the cargo compartment during flight. Cargo doors must remain open
during ground operations to provide adequate ventilation.
Dry air may be purged into the shipping container at a rate not to exceed 70 cubic feet per hour.
All other requirements of this manual must be met.
See attachment 17 for additional certification requirements.
A6.6.12. Foreign cylinders meeting the requirements of A3.3.2.7.