AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A6.4.6. A cylinder that is part of a tire inflation system in a motor vehicle, charged with a nonliquefied,
nonflammable compressed gas, and is excepted from the requirements of this manual except:
Cylinder must comply with one of the cylinder specifications in 49 CFR, Part 178, and be authorized for
use in A6.7 for the gas it contains.
Cylinder must comply with the filling requirements of A3.3.2.5.
Each cylinder must be securely installed in the trunk of the motor vehicle, and the valve must be protected
against accidental discharge.
A6.5. Liquefied Compressed Gases.
A6.5.1. Ship liquefied compressed gases in accordance with the filling, pressure, and DOT cylinder specification
requirements of table A6.1. If the compressed gas is not specifically identified in table A6.1, ship (except gas in
solution) in DOT 3, 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3BN, 3D, 3E, 4, 4A, 4B, 4BA, 4B240ET, 4BW, 4E, 9, 25, 26, 38, 39, 40, or 41
cylinders. Ensure compliance with A3.2.2. Do not charge and ship DOT 4E, 9, 39, 40, or 41 cylinders with a
mixture containing a pyroforic liquid, carbon bisulfide (disulfide), ethyl chloride, ethylene oxide, nickel carbonyl,
spirits of nitroglycerin, or toxic material, (Class 6.1 or 2.3) unless authorized in a specific packaging paragraph. Use
of existing cylinders, DOT 3, 3D, 4, 4A, 9, 25, 26, 38, 40, and 41 is authorized, but new construction of these
cylinders is not authorized. Ship a nontoxic and nonflammable mixture (including insecticides) that contains a
compressed gas according to this paragraph.
A6.5.2. Use DOT 3AL cylinders to ship carbonyl sulfide, cyclobutane, dimethyl ether, hydrogen selenide,
propylene, silane, and vinyl bromide. Shipments are authorized on cargo aircraft only.
A6.5.3. Use DOT 3AL cylinders to ship nitrous oxide only under the following conditions:
The cylinder must be equipped only with brass or stainless steel valve.
Each cylinder must be cleaned and in compliance with the requirements of Federal Specification RR-C-
901c, paragraphs 3.7.2, 3.8.2, and
A6.5.4. Ship a mixture containing any Class 2.3 material or irritating material, in such proportion that the mixture
would be classed as toxic, in containers authorized in attachment 10.
A6.5.5 Ship refrigerant gases that are nonpoisonous and nonflammable in cylinders prescribed in A6.5.1 or as
follows: In DOT 2P and 2Q inside metal containers packed in a strong wooden or fiberboard box designed to
protect valves from injury or accidental functioning under conditions incident to transportation. Pressure in the
container must not exceed 586 kPa at 21 degrees C (85 psia at 70 degrees F). Each completed metal container filled
for shipment must be heated until contents reach a minimum temperature of 55 degrees C (130 degrees F), without
evidence of leakage, distortion, or other defects.
A6.5.6. Ship engine-starting fluids containing compressed gas (or gases) that are flammable in cylinders prescribed
in A6.5.1 or as follows:
Inside nonrefillable metal containers not over 522 mL (32 cubic inch) capacity. Pressure in the container
must not exceed 966 kPa at 55 degrees C (140 psia at 130 degrees F).
If the pressure exceeds 966 kPa at 55 degrees C (140 psia at 130 degrees F) use a DOT 2P container.
Any metal container must be capable of withstanding a pressure of 1 1/2 times the pressure of the content at
55 degrees C (130 degrees F) without bursting.
Each container filled for shipment must have been heated until the contents reach a minimum temperature
of 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) without evidence of leakage, distortion, or other defects.
Pack inside nonrefillable metal containers in a strong tight outside packaging.
A6.5.7. Foreign cylinders meeting the requirements of A3.3.2.7.
HA6.6. Nonliquefied Compressed Gases.
A6.6.1. Ship nonliquefied, compressed gases in accordance with the filling, pressure, and DOT cylinder
specification requirements of table A6.1. If the compressed gas is not specifically identified in table A6.1, ship in
DOT 3, 3A, 3AA, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 4, 4A, 4B, 4BA, 4BW, 4C, 25, 26, 33, or 38. Use of existing cylinders, DOT 3,
3C, 3D, 4, 4A, 4C, 25, 26, 33, and 38 is authorized, but new construction of these cylinders is not authorized.
A6.6.2. Cylinders DOT-3HT, for use in aircraft only, having a maximum service life of 24 years, are only
authorized for nonflammable gases. They must be equipped with a frangible disc safety relief device, without
fusible metal backing, with a rated bursting pressure not over 90 percent of the minimum required test pressure of
the cylinder with which the device is used. Package cylinders in strong outside containers.