AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A5.26.1. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Bags: plastic
Sheets: Kraft paper, plastic
Not required for UN 0105 if ends are sealed
Boxes: steel (4A), aluminum (4B), ordinary
natural wood (4C1), sift-proof natural wood
(4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted wood
(4F), fiberboard (4G), solid plastics (4H2)
A5.26.2. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Bags: plastic
Sheets: Kraft paper, plastic
Not required for UN 0105 if ends are sealed
Drums: removable head steel (1A2),
removable head aluminum (1B2), fiber (1G)
A5.27. Fuzes, Detonating; Fuzes, Igniting; Grenades; and Grenades, Practice.
A5.27.1. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Receptacles: fiberboard, metal, plastic, wood
Trays (individual partitions): plastic wood
Dividing partitions in the outer packaging
Boxes: steel (4A), aluminum (4B), ordinary
natural wood (4C1), sift-proof natural wood
(4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted wood
(4F), fiberboard (4G), solid plastics (4H2)
A5.27.2. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Receptacles: fiberboard, metal, plastic, wood
Trays (individual partitions): plastic wood
Dividing partitions in the outer packaging
Drums: removable head steel (1A2),
removable head plastic (1H2), fiber (1G)
A5.28. Igniters or Lighters, Fuse.
A5.28.1. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Bags: paper, plastic
Receptacles: fiberboard, metal, plastic, wood
Sheets: paper
Trays (individual partitions): plastic
Boxes: steel (4A), aluminum (4B), ordinary
natural wood (4C1), sift-proof natural wood
(4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted wood
(4F), fiberboard (4G), solid plastics (4H2)
A5.28.2. Package as follows:
Inner packaging
Outer packaging
Bags: paper, plastic
Receptacles: fiberboard, metal, plastic, wood
Sheets: paper
Trays (individual partitions): plastic
Drums: removable head steel (1A2),
removable head plastic (1H2), fiber (1G)
A5.29. Charges, Propelling. Ensure metal packagings are constructed so that risk of explosion, by reason
of increase in internal pressure (from internal or external causes), is prevented.
A5.29.1. Package as follows: