AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Protect the valves by a cap or other suitable means.
Tightly pack aerosols in an outer fiberboard (4G), wooden (4C1, 4C2), plywood (4D), reconstituted (4F),
or plastic (4H1, 4H2) box. The packaging must meet PG II requirements.
A6.3.3. For an aerosol charged with a non-toxic solution containing a biological product or medical preparation that
could be deteriorated by heat and compressed gases that, except Class 6.1, PG III material, are poisonous or
nonflammable, pack in inner non-refillable metal receptacles with provided all of the following conditions are met:
The capacity of each inner receptacle must not exceed 575 mL (20 fluid ounces).
Pressure in the receptacle must not exceed 970 kPa at 55 degrees C (140 psig at 130 degrees F).
The liquid content of the product and gas must not completely fill the receptacle at 55 degrees C.
One aerosol out of each lot of 500 or less, filled for shipment, must be heated until the pressure in the
container is equivalent to the equilibrium pressure of the contents at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F) without
evidence of leakage, distortion, or other defects.
Protect the valves by a cap or other suitable means.
Package inner receptacles in a strong outer packaging. The outer packaging must be capable of meeting the
limited quantity performance standards outlined in A19.3.4. UN specification (UN marked) packaging is
not required.
The complete package must not exceed 30 kg (66 lbs) gross weight.
A6.3.4. For an aerosol containing a biological product or medical preparation that could be deteriorated by heat and
is nonflammable pack in inner non-refillable metal receptacles provided all of the following conditions are met:
The first five bullet requirements of A6.3.3 related to the aerosol receptacles apply.
Tightly pack aerosol containers in an outer fiberboard (4G), wooden (4C1, 4C2), plywood (4D),
reconstituted (4F), or plastic (4H1, 4H2) box. The packaging must meet PG II requirements.
HA6.4. Small Receptacles Containing Compressed Gas. Package small receptacles of compressed gases, other
than aerosols or Consumer Commodities, as identified in this paragraph. Unless otherwise specified, UN
specification (UN marked) packaging is not required. Each package must not exceed 30 kg (66 lbs) gross weight.
For unregulated compressed gases, see A3.3.2.
A6.4.1. Use containers, except cigarette lighters, of not more than 120 mL (4 fluid ounces, 7.22 cubic inches or
less) capacity each. Package inner receptacles in a strong outer packaging.
A6.4.2. Use metal containers filled with nonhazardous material not over 90 percent capacity at 21 degrees C (70
degrees F) then charged with a nonflammable, nonliquified gas. Each container must be tested to three times the gas
pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F). When refilled, the container must be retested to three times the gas
pressure at 21 degrees C (70 degrees F) provided one of the following conditions are met:
Container is not over 1 L (1 quart) capacity and charged to not more than 1172 kPa at 21 degrees C (170
psig at 70 degrees F).
Container is not over 114L (30 gallon) capacity and charged to not more than 517 kPa at 21 degrees C (75
psig at 70 degrees F).
A6.4.3. Package electronic tubes of not more than 489 mL (30 cubic inch) volume charged with gas to a pressure of
not more than 241 kPa (35 psig) in strong outside containers.
A6.4.4. Use inside metal containers of a capacity not over 570.7 mL (35 cubic inches, 19.3 fluid ounces), charged
with nonflammable, nonpoisonous or noncorrosive liquefied compressed gas designed for audible fire alarm
systems. Pressure in the container must not exceed 482.6 kPa at 21 degrees C (70 psig at 70 degrees F). The
completely assembled non-refillable container must be designed and fabricated with a burst pressure of not less than
four times its charged pressure at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F.) Each refillable inside container must be designed
and fabricated with a burst pressure of not less than five times its charged pressure at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F).
The liquid portion of the gas must not completely fill the container at 55 degrees C (130 degrees F).
A6.4.5. A cylinder that is a component part of a passenger restraint system and is installed in a motor vehicle,
charged with nonliquefied, nonflammable compressed gas and having no more than two actuating cartridges per
valve, is exempt from the requirements of this manual except each:
Cylinder must comply with one of the cylinder specifications in 49 CFR, Part 178, and be authorized for
use in A6.7 for the gas it contains.
Cylinder must comply with the filling requirements of A3.3.2.5.
Actuating cartridge must be approved according to 49 CFR 173.86 and meet the definition of an actuating
cartridge, explosive, fire extinguisher, or valve.